Chapter 11

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"Your nails really need repainting," I commented as I sat on the end of his bed out of pure boredom,

"Thank you, I hadn't noticed," He grunted as he placed he got his record player to play The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and blah blah blah.

"I can paint them if you want." I offered as he began to open Remus's book. He had lost his insanity -- that was the first book Sirius Black had ever opened. But I'd made enough snarky comments about it to say another.

"Or you could fuck off if you want," He said with a grin,

"I'll paint them for you,"

"Just all black, nothing else." He placed his hand out, eyes still on his book. I flicked my wand, "Accio nail polish," It appeared in front of me a few seconds later.

He didn't look up at me as I painted his short nails. I did all black, along with his middle finger painted white for a bit of contrast. After I was done, Sirius pulled his hands away and admired them for a second, "Thanks they don't look half bad," He smiled and I returned it. "I get to do yours though," He placed his book down and took my hand and nail polish.

"Just make them look nice," I said and he nodded, opening the white polish.

He did the opposite I did to him. Instead of only one white nail, he did only one black nail, on my middle finger.

"Ew," I screwed my nose up, "I didn't want us to be matching."

"Tough luck,"

"Fuck off," I grumbled, snatching his book from him, making him lean over and try and get it back from me. He muttered something under his breath as he reached for it, finally grabbing it and yanking it off me with a little pleased grin on his lips.

Evan was sitting on the edge of my bed, whispering to me about Voldemort's new plans as the Marauders crowded around Sirius's bed.

"He's furious at the moment." Evan rubs his hands together, "At you -- he's been trying to find you a new suitor but no one wants to marry you..."

"Good," I said complacently.

"No, not good, Lil," Evan countered, glancing behind him at the Gryffindors and cocooning his hands over mine, "If you aren't wed, you aren't protected,"

"We both know, he will be the one I need protection from." I scoffed under my breath,

The Gryffindors were laughing their damn heads off while Evan ran his hands against his buzzcut, "That doesn't matter."

"If you never married, no one would bat a bloody eye -- I don't want to marry some prick that only wants me for my blood," I protested,

"It's the principle, Lillian."

"I am the heir to the Serpent. I should not be forced to marry."

"Are you hearing yourself? Your job as an heir is to produce new heirs."

"But when you produce heirs, you can still go out and fight -- you can shag every whore in whore house if you want -- but I lose my name and identity all because of a worthless husband and a fucking baby," I scoffed,

"I'm being forced to marry someone I don't want to either, you don't see me acting like a baby about it." Evan belittled,

"You don't understand,"

"No, I do plenty,"

"My entire identity is stripped from me, Evan," I murmured,

"You are the heir to your house. It's your duty."

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