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Chapter 66:SUPPLY CARD

The bear paw was processed according to the method provided by Vladimir, and Zhang Tuohai put the bear paw in the oven for barbecue.

When he turned on the oven, he realized that there was actually a hen inside that he had almost forgotten.

At this time, the hen had already laid two eggs and was looking at her sternly.

"Yeah, it's not bad. I know that I lay eggs and did a good job. This is a reward for you." Zhang Tuohai sprinkled a handful of rice to reward the hen.

"Hey, I'm going to requisition the oven now. Could you move?"

Zhang Tuohai grabbed the hen out.

"Where is it off?"

Zhang Tuohai looked around in the car and thought that the big iron pot was not bad.

Zhang Tuohai flipped the iron pot and buckled the hen in the pot.

Hen: "???"

"Stay honestly, wait until the home is warmed, and then let you come back." Zhang Tuohai knocked on the bottom of the pot and started to stuff wood into the oven.

The hen shivered and dared not squeak.

"Does the master dislike me for being useless and want to bake me? Do you want me to lay a few more eggs? Maybe you can please the master's favor and leave a chicken life?"

The hen was cautiously thinking about it, while Zhang Tuohai handled the bear paws and hung them in the oven to smoke slowly.

According to the method given by Vladimir, this bear's paw had to be smoked for 4 hours, and it took about dinner to be ready.

The dream of eating bear paw risotto at noon fell through.

In desperation, Zhang Tuohai could only return to his old business. He added the last bit of braised pork with some final dehydrated vegetables, and picked some freshly grown fast-growing mushrooms, made a pot of braised pork rice, and ate it with tears. Three bowls.

Now, Zhang Tuohai has eaten up all the fresh meat and dehydrated vegetables. The only remaining food is sausages, rice, white noodles and some canned foods such as canned food.

Hungry means not being hungry, but the problem is that the food is not balanced.

"It's not going to work like this. If you just eat meat, you will get angry. You have to find a chance to get more fresh vegetables. Although there are already leeks and mushrooms, it is still too monotonous if there are only these two. If you don't, the nutrition should be out of balance."

"Also, fruits have to be on the agenda. I haven't eaten fruits for almost a week, and my nails are dull. It's best to get a long-term stable acquisition channel. You can also sell your leftovers as luxury goods for a little bit of money. ."

Zhang Tuohai thought while eating bananas.

"From this point of view, it seems that I have not even reached the standard of eating well. There are still many places to work hard."

Zhang Tuohai is thinking about future plans.

The road of racing is endless, and the scenery outside the car window is also monotonous.

There are always rolling sand dunes on both sides of the road, stretching all the way to the sky.

Looking at the unchanging scenery outside the window, Zhang Tuohai was a little sleepy.

You may not feel anything when you drive all the time. When Xiao Ai takes care of the driving, Zhang Tuohai feels that this kind of life is actually quite boring.

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