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"Survival on the highway, I have a reminder system (

Zhang Tuohai moved all the wood into the car, and then picked up the material box.

He wanted to know what exactly was in the material box, which was actually placed in such a secret place.

With a bang, the material box was opened.

A large handful of feathers floated out of the box.

Zhang Tuohai rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

The box was full of feathers.

It's all feathers!

[Get 100 feather units. 】


Zhang Tuohai threw a fist in excitement.

This is a really good thing.

5 units of feathers can make a set of winter clothes, 100 units is 20 sets.

In this world full of ice and snow, the price of winter clothing can be imagined.

Moreover, the lower the temperature, the higher the price of winter clothing.

Compared to portable toilets, which can only make quick money by hitting information, this thing is really valuable.

Zhang Tuohai excitedly moved these feathers back into the car and put them away carefully.

Zhang Tuohai decided to gather up these feathers first, and let's talk about the limelight.

This thing will be sold in a few days before it can be sold at a higher price.

After finishing the feathers, Zhang Tuohai glanced at the time. It was already past 11 o'clock and he had to cook and eat immediately.

According to the laws of the previous world, there might be some moths this afternoon.

If you don't eat and you run out of energy, you're in trouble.

For lunch, Zhang Tuohai thought about it and decided to make a soft slice of pork.

He has all kinds of side dishes for cucumbers and carrots, and the meat also uses the leopard meat newly obtained today.

Put the cucumber slices and carrot slices in the pan with wide oil. Because there is no fungus, use fast-growing mushrooms instead. Stir large pieces of leopard meat in the pan and stir them out without brushing the pan. Add some water and cook some noodles. Put the soft sliced ​​pork as a topping, mix it on the noodles, and smell it.

Zhang Tuohai picked a cucumber, held a large bowl in one hand, pinched the cucumber, and held chopsticks in the other hand, sweating on his forehead as he ate.

This is not Zhang Tuohai greedy. It is because the weather outside is too cold and requires more energy. Only high-oil, high-salt and high-sugar can supplement the body's consumption. This is why the farther north, the more the food tastes. .

Of course, you can't forget the daily program as you eat.

Zhang Tuohai opened the regional channel to see what the status of ordinary players is now.

"Fuck me, I was frozen to death. After wandering all morning, I found a bag of black bread. Why is this world so poor? I could still find white bread before."

"You are content, I was robbed of food and water in the last world. When I was thirsty, I could only grab a handful of snow. Is there any bigwig who would give me a piece of bread and let me do anything."

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