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I quickly sat up, putting a hand up to my chest to feel my rapid heartbeat.

I panted, trying to calm down from my nightmare.

It was so cold in my room, yet I was sweating like crazy.

For the past week or so I've been having these terrifying realistic nightmares. I would wake up feeling scared and exhausted.

I didn't tell Mark about my nightmares because he has better things to do than deal with my crap.

It was beginning to take a toll on my health. I always looked so tired, which didn't go unnoticed by Mark. He would constantly ask me if I'm okay and stuff like that.

I finally calmed down a bit, grabbing my phone from the nightstand and checking the time.

It was almost six o'clock in the morning. Might as well start my day.

^^^Mark's pov

I heard the shower turn on, pausing me from my writing.

It was only six o'clock so I'm not sure why Ethan is up so early. Then again he has been waking up sooner than usual.

He was definitely acting a little weird. Something was up with him, but I chose to drop it after he said he was fine.

I think he just needed a break from work and all that stuff, which is why I'm planning a little trip out of town.

I haven't told him yet because I wanted it to be a surprise.

I figured I should be a good roommate at make him some coffee and a small breakfast.

I definitely had enough time since Ethan took year long showers.

Ethan's pov

I ran a hand through my damp hair, yawning as I did so. I walked down the stairs, smelling..bacon and coffee?

I walked into the kitchen, seeing Mark at the stove cooking bacon and eggs.

"You're actually cooking?" I teased, walking up to him to see his work.

"I can cook, just not bake. Plus it's just eggs and bacon. I wanted to do something nice for you." He said, turning towards me.

He had on an apron that said 'kiss the cook'.

I snickered, "kiss the cook?"

Mark rose a brow, then looked down at his apron. "Oh! I forgot that's what that said. Tyler got it for me a while back." He said, turning off the stove as the food was done.

I hummed, walking over to the cabinet and getting two plates and two mugs.

I got my own serving of food and coffee, turning towards Mark who was pouring his coffee.

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before walking into the living room.

My face started to heat up as I realized what I just did..but I was also very proud of myself. I gave myself a pat on the back for being so brave.

I turned on the tv, putting on a random tv show and enjoying the amazing breakfast Mark made.

Mark sat next to me, drinking his coffee and typing quickly on his phone.

"Oh, that just reminds me— I scheduled a little vacation for us in a few weeks."

I glanced at Mark, raising a brow.


Mark blushed, "well, me, you, Tyler and Sean. I thought we could all use a little break. It's for five days." He said, taking another dip of his coffee.

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