Story Help With The Author

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Hello! Hi! Hey!

The events of this book are confusing for some readers. So in this small little catch-up of the story, I will help those troubled readers who are having trouble understanding this story, so let us begin. If you understand this plot and story, you may skip to Chapter 19 and continue this story. Now, let us begin! 


Thousands of years ago, The Black Plague, also known as The Black death, existed. For those who don't know the Black Plague, it was a deadly plague pandemic scouring from 1346, to 1353. It stretched across Eurasia, Europe, and North Africa. It was so fatal that is killed billions of people around these locations. It was the most fatal pandemic in the world. 

The Black Plague was most likely caused by rodents. By Rats. The rats probably would bite the innocent people at times, which would lead the person, or child to have an infection of bacteria of the rats. Even if you were near these infected rats when you wouldn't know, you would probably get sick. These rats infected little to thousands to billions, all causing these infected people by rodents to die. For the people who weren't infected, they were quarantined. The towns of people remained inside their houses, only leaving for needed reasons. This slowly began to take down the black plague, leaving the rodents no more people to infect. 

But now, Thousands of more years later, the Black Plague came back in this book.  It was for an unknown reason, but the rats have become deadly. One bite, one touch. You could be dead. The rats stay away from the light and water, they come out in the dark instead of the light so they won't be blinded when they are hunting someone. The rats connect to few, but they kill thousands. 


In this universe of Amicia and Hugo with the Plague, I have added Joel and Ellie to this story to be Amicia and Hugo's companions. Once again, all of the events in this book DID NOT happen in the video games. Now, this is what I created to bring Joel and Ellie into Amicia and Hugo's universe. 

Now, before the Black Plague, The Zombie Apocalypse has happened. These ''Zombies'' which is the term I don't use, I call the zombies infected, which is the term most of us that know The Last Of Us uses. The infected were created by Cordacepts Fungi, causing these infected  The infected come in Clickers, who can't see but has a strong sense of hearing you, Runners, They are fast, loud, and they run towards you as soon as they see you, the main object to kill you. There are stalkers, They stalk you and can be hard to kill like clickers, Bloaters, shamblers, They are infected that have been around for years and have turned by getting a bite by these infected. I won't go further though, there are a lot. 

This is the way it works. If you get bitten by an infected, most likely to be a runner or another, you will turn in unless than 3 days. Not a lot of time to live. And what I mean by turn is that you will turn into an infected, doesn't matter how many infected bites you. You will still turn into a runner or clicker or stalker, any type of infected. Now...Ellie Wiliams. If you read closely in one of the chapters in this book, you can see how Amicia examines Ellie's arm when she is wrapping her arm up that held her bite mark, this happened not far from where they met. I will not go further, I don't want to ruin the plot for those who haven't played the game. 

Now, this is set in a time plot where The Black Plague and The Infected exist. It is unlikely, but sometimes the rats and the infected could be in the same place, no matter the distance.  Yes, The best of Both worlds. One side of the world deals with Infected, the other side deals with rats! So, Amicia and Hugo are located in Alabama. I made this place have billions of towns, deadly mobs, and billions of rats. Now, I know what you are thinking. Why are Joel and Ellie all the way out in Alabama? I have the answer for you. 

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