Chapter 28

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I stared at Hugo's neck quietly as I leaned against a small rusty brown table. 

He was on the floor once again, This time looking through some comic Ellie has given him. I watched as he ripped out pages from the comic, I did nothing but watch the veins on his neck, His back turned to me. 

I haven't been myself lately. 

I'm traumatized from watching Melie and Laurentis die right in front of me. 

I can't sleep. 

I won't eat. 

I feel like Ellie...She does neither. 

I don' remember what happened after on that day....I don't want to know what happened. Apparently, I am staying in the same place Hugo, Joel and Ellie stayed in when I was gone. Hugo liked it...Ellie said there are two master bedrooms here. I guess I didn't care to listen, I couldn't stop thinking about what Laurentis said to me right there...Where he died. 

The rats...Hugo isn't sick....It's the rats....Help Hugo embrace the rats?

How am I going to do that?

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I jumped and turned around. Joel stood right behind me, Holding a can of fruit. I paused. ''Hey, Kid. You and Ellie haven't been eat 'in. Especially you. So do me a god damn favor and eat this? I know, The incident just happened 2 days ago...I know. But I need you to eat. If you don't want it, Give to that piece of shit over there.'' He pointed to Hugo with his free hand, I frowned. 

''Joel...Hugo is not a piece of shit. Don't you dare call my brother that. And second, You are a piece of shit if you think about it.'' I growled, Joel frowned. ''You got the nerve to talk me like that, Huh, kid? Well guess what? I ain't asking you to eat anymore. Take this fucking can of fruit, and fuck'in eat it.'' He replied, Shoving the can at me and walking away. 

I sighed uneasy and put the can on the table, Ellie can walking over as I did so. ''Hey, Amicia.'' She muttered, scratching her neck. I crossed my arms. ''Hey.. What's wrong?'' I asked uneasy, She shook her head. 

''Amicia...You know Joel and I have to leave soon...We gotta get back to Tommy.''

She replied, I bit my lip. ''Really, Ellie? Right after I come back?'' I hissed back, She shook her head. ''You're not fucking listening to me, Amicia! Joel and I are not assholes, and you know that. We can't stay in one fucking place forever! There are thousands and thousands of fuckers out here, Amicia! You know this is a place where Joel and I can't stay.'' I scoffed and lead her outside, I didn't want Hugo to hear. 

''You can't leave, Ellie! I understand''-  ''No, Amicia. You actually fucking don't understand. Look at me...I am so sorry all of this shit happened to you. But it happened To Joel and I too. And I need to know that you will be fine with Joel and I leaving you and Hugo, Amicia! I am not a little tired  bitch, and I am not going to let you treat me like one.'' She ordered, I looked away. 

''I'm fucking sorry...And you know that! But we can't stay in one place forever!''

''Maybe- Maybe I should leave without your shitty permission''-

''I need you, Ellie!''

She froze. 

''I need you! And I need Joel! Ellie...I can't take care of Hugo alone! I can't do it! I never have succeeded taking care of him!! I need someone to help me....I NEED YOU! Okay!? I can't do it alone, Ellie! I can't!'' 

She paused. 

''Amicia...I'm sorry. We all need each other....But..''

I scoffed, She didn't talk. 

''You know what, Ellie? Leave! Leave with Joel! I don't care anymore!''

I yelled at her with tears, She looked down at her feet. 

I went back into the house, slamming the door behind me. 

I instead scooped up Hugo in my arms and cried, I will never ever be fine alone. 

And everyone knows that. 

Innocence ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ