Chapter 44

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(Faint Talking)

''Is she going to be Okay? I- I didn't mean to hurt her, Lucas! I didn't mean too!''

''Hugo, I will do what I can! I don't think she is dead- I don't think!'' 

''I-Hugo....? Lucas....? What happened?'' 

I asked sore, My eyes opening and closing. 

''Oh! She's awake! She's awake! Hugo! Amicia is''- 

(Faint talking fading)



I could feel my eyes flutter open, My body regaining it's movement, Where I am. And a pinch of what happened. Wincing, I sat up and looked at what I was sitting on. A blanket. On the floor. My head was laid on a pillow, Definitely the work of Lucas. 

I yawned and sat up slowly, Happy to know I was back in our small cottage. 

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, getting up slowly and walking to the table. 

I gulped as I saw a container of Lasagna. Lucas must have found another container of this Lasagna in our wagon, But I didn't feel like eating. 

I just took the container and walked outside, finding Lucas there with two Horses. 

And there, Sitting on the floor. 


I gulped as I walked closer quietly, Lucas jerking around as he heard me step on a leave, Making a Crunch sound. Lucas smiled and dashed over to me, Hugging me tightly and then stepping back quickly. 

''I'm so Happy you're Okay, Amicia! I see you brought out my suprise for you!'' 

Beamed Lucas, Proud. 

I nodded and put the container on the opening of the wagon, I then bit my lip. 

''Thanks, For the lasagna. I'm not hungry, Though. Where did you find the horses?'' 

I replied, Trying not to look at Hugo. 

''Well, When you were sleeping Hugo and I went into a town where we are crossing through with our wagon, and we found two healthy horses! Hugo named them Mommy and daddy.'' Lucas laughed, I let out a chuckle as I glanced over at Hugo. 

''Thanks, Lucas. Hugo and I can't wait to get to France.'' 

Lucas smiled and walked back to the carriage, I then slowly walked over to Hugo looking down at my boots. 

He stood up quickly to face me, I bit my lip. 

''Do you want to talk about it?'' 

I asked, Tears in my eyes. 

Hugo nodded. 


He replied, I nodded and led Hugo and I away from the carriage so Lucas wouldn't have to hear us yelling at each other, I hope. 

''Hugo...What I said to you was completely and utterly wrong. I hate myself for what I said to you, And I never ever ever want you to die. I am also sorry I upset you....I wish you would have told me you don't want to go to France earlier, I could have said No to Lucas, Hugo. You can't keep things like that from me. Listen to me, It was my fault that your rats attacked me. It's my fault you hate me, It's my fault that I make you upset. But Hugo...We need each other. I need you, We have come so far Hugo...I don't want our Brother and sister time together end...I am so sorry. I love you more than you can ever know and understand, Hugo.'' 

I wiped the tears off my cheeks and stared at him. 

''I would die for you, Hugo.'' 

I spoke, nodding. 

Hugo let out a small smile. 

''I-I'm really sorry too, Amicia. I almost killed you! I'm sorry. I accept your sorry, Though. But- I'm really scared Amicia...That's why I get mad at you. I'm scared of everything, Especially our trip to France. I am sorry I yelled at you. I don't hate you...I'm Just scared. Very scared. I love you, Amicia. I don't ever want to regret that.'' Hugo paused. 

''I would die for you too.'' 

He wailed, I shook my head and hugged him as tight as I could. 

We both cried into each other. 

I couldn't let my brother die. 

I would truly die for Hugo. 

I will never, Ever let him die for me.

I won't second guess that, I will make sure it stays that way. 


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