Chapter 1: The coconuts here are off

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JJ emerges from the water, throws his head back, and roars in a victorious cheer.


'Heck yeah! that was awesome', Kiara smiles, she steals a glance out to shore. Its just them here. 

'Yeah, I was all like', JJ holds a hand up and recreates the moment. '.. and then the wave was like-', he makes a dramatic explosive sound. But mid-way he pauses, his lips still forming an "O". Kiara has swum closer, like strangely close. JJ looks at the tight distance between them with a confused gaze but he tosses his head to the side and laughs it off. Kiara lifts her hand from the water and rests it along his neck. JJs expression changes, no longer mocking the moment. Yet he sucks his lips together and slowly backs up.

'You're with Pope?', JJ says the words slowly but clearly, as if he thinks she's forgotten ' ... aren't you?'

'No, we ended things awhile ago... I'm sorry JJ-', she rubs her forehead 'I don't know whats gotten into me', Kie shakes her head 'I'm just
... tired or maybe It was something that I ate-'

'Oh yeah, the coconuts here are a little off', JJ smirks.

Kiara rolls her eyes. 'you get what I mean'

JJ leans a little closer to her side 'As if anyone would need a bad coconut to kiss me', then he leans out again and smiles with his hands surrendered in the air.

'Yeah, yeah'

JJ clears his throat 'Soo...' he gestures to the shore 'We should head back you know. Maybe the others are looking for us. JJ, Kie where are you?', he says in a high pitched voice 'See? Sarahs pretty loud, heard her from right over here', he jokes

'Yeah I mean, yeah. Well actually I'm just gonna stay here, but you can go'

'Right... cool, cool, cool-'

Kiara presses her lips together and looks elsewhere. JJ turns his back to her but hesitates.

'What are you doing? shores that way-'

JJ cuts her off with his lips pressed against hers. He pulls away 'Sorry. Oh God. I'm really sorry... you were right about the coconuts they must have some kind of drugs in them' JJ shakes his head and tries a smile 'or something, I-'

Kiara kisses him, they both smile into it. Kie has her hands clasped behind his neck when they pull apart. Tears are quick to form in her eyes.

JJs smile fades 'Sorry-' and he shuffles probably thinking he's done something wrong but Kie stops him.

'No', she sobs into his shoulder. JJ gives her a concerned look but hugs her back.

'I... I thought you were dead. I thought you were dead JJ', she sobs harder.

'Hey', JJ says softly 'I'm alright, I'm fine really'

Kiara pulls back to face him 'I was worried you wouldn't wake up and I need you'

'Well lucky for you I'm not going anywhere, they say I've got nine lives you know'

'Yeah well thats one of them gone. You really jumped in front of a gun?'

'Yep', JJ says popping the "p"

'Thank you, if you weren't there I would probably be dead'

'Yeah well, I can say the same about myself', JJ says and they laugh together. 'Come on we should head back, I think I can hear Sarah calling us for real this time'

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