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*Florence pov*

After that little situation I went and grabbed a drink like I said but I didn't really feel like going back to dance. I also didn't want to have awkward small talk with anyone since all of my close friends were dancing.

I decided to go to the back yard. There was a big pool and some work out stuff along with some chairs. I sat down in one of the chairs, this was the first time this week that I could really just think. Nobody to interrupt me

When I couldn't hear the music that's when my thoughts kinda took over.

I hope my 'dad' doesn't know i'm here

That was my first thought. I hated that, that was my first thought when I was alone, in the back, at a party for me.

For some context my biological father, Daniel, was abusive towards me especially, since he would hit me when I came home a but late, talked about moving far, and little things like that. My mom didn't know until she had gotten some of it. Then a week later she filed for a divorce. I was happy that he couldn't hurt me anymore but a little part of me still loved him.

For he was my 'father' even though he hit me.

I hated that.

That was about two years ago when I was 16. Now my mom has a boyfriend almost fiancé, John, he's really nice. He told me that he want to propose to her soon since they are going to be a year in a couple days, but he wants to wait til I come back home so that I'm there.

My mom never to him to court or anything for the abuse and thought that it was best just to get him out of our lives as fast as we could. I agreed with her.

He had moved to California after the divorce. I assumed to 'get a fresh start' since that's what he would say when we would move around in Florida when neighbors would ask me questions about him.

Although I agreed with the divorce it still broke me. I was going through it at that time since a month after it my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend, cheated on me with some cheerleader at our school.

I was a wreck.

My mental health was in the trash. I wouldn't eat for days and would stay in my room all day. I was dropped from my sports team since I wouldn't have the energy to even go to the practices let alone practice on my free time. It was getting really bad. My mom had gotten me a therapist and I was given antidepressants. I slowly got better and that's when John came into my mom's life and mine.

He really did act like I was his kid even though he didn't have any. I still feel kinda sorry for him since when my mom first brought him over I was very rude and stormed off half way through the dinner. I didn't like the change and if I welcomed him it was like a reality slap to the face about my situation.

I just kept thinking about my family, when I had realized that a tear had left my eye I tried to quickly wipe it away. That's when I heard him.

"hey, are you ok?"

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