Chapter 22 I'm Going Back To Manila

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                 *Maryse’s P.O.V.*

                                Finally, I’m all done. Liam has already brought the cake and it’s now placed neatly on the kitchen countertop. The dinner I made is in the microwave oven to keep it warm and ready for later.

“Maryse, I think we should go pick up the boys now. They have probably drunken their asses off.” Liam chuckles

“Yeah, let’s go. I’ll go with Dane.”

We all get our jackets from the rack and then head off to the bar. When we got there, we saw Paul and Preston hovering the entrance. We were all able to get inside and as soon as we enter, we were ushered to the VIP area.

I was about to take another step forward when my eyes landed on the worst sight I have seen in my entire life. If you’re right here beside me, you can hear my heart breaking just like a mirror shattering into a million pieces.

Have you experienced such a thing? This is the first one and I never thought it would hurt this bad. So much for happy endings, seeing the man you love make out with another woman. I run away from my spot, pushing away the people on my way. My eyes burn with tear pouring down like rain.

Dane sees me and she quickly helps me into the car without asking me what happened. On our way home, she holds my hand as I cry my eyes out.

“I know what happened. I saw it too. It’s going to be okay.” She comforts me

As we reach the house, I rush inside only to see what I had prepared earlier. Out of my anger, I wreck every decoration I see before going upstairs and locking myself in my room. I didn’t even knew I had the strength to push my wooden dresser to my door to block it from opening.

In a span of half an hour, I destroyed the whole room. Furniture broken, Glass broken, Stuff scattered. Right now, I sit with my back on the wall, breathing heavily with dried tears on my cheeks and red eyes, tired from crying.

“I need to get out of here. I need to leave this hell. I want to go home.” I thought

I stand and dust myself and pad to my closet. I get my luggage and filled it with my clothes. Within an hour, I was all ready to go. But before I go, I got a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a letter for Zayn. I don’t want to go home knowing there I haven’t ended anything before I left.

“Dearest Zayn,

                Happy Birthday! You’re now older but I see you are still not mature. You had fun last night as I can see. Snogging a blonde bimbo is a lot of fun, huh? Oh well, here I am, leaving this letter to you, saying my goodbye. I hope that you had a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I was actually gonna give you a wild night last night but I guess you had fun without me. I love you Zayn, always have, always will but I can’t forget what you have done. Goodbye, my love.


I open the door and I only to see Zayn sitting beside my door. His face peaceful yet tired and red. You can see that he cried too, tearstains in his cheeks I place the letter between his knees and I can’t help the tears to fall again.

I still love Zayn. Of course I do. He is my first in everything, how could I forget. But life is a one way wheel, you can’t turn around. I need to do this. The wheels of my luggage roll on the wooden floor. I carry my suitcase down the staircase with an aching feeling in my chest. I see Dane sleeping on the couch. Poor her.

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