Chapter 8 Lovers in Australia

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*Zayn's P.O.V.*

I just woke up from a tiring night yesterday. Today is our free day so we decided to roam around the city. We all took a shower and went out.

Its already 10 am, we ate breakfast at one of the restaurants here in Adelaide. After that. we walked around town and fans and paparazzi walked with us. We took pictures with some of the fans and even signed some stuff.

We went to a big shopping mall and me and the lads decided to buy some stuff for our family. My first thought is Maryse. I was looking through some boutiques when suddenly Niall called me.

"Zayn!" he shouted. I turned around and saw him pointing at something. It was a jewelry store. I wonder what's going through his mind right now. 

I walked towards him and asked. "A jewelry store? Why?"

"Well, maybe you wanted to buy something for your girl, Maryse and I want to buy a necklace for Dane. I know we're not officially dating YET, but time will come, we will." Niall said 

I chuckled at him. He's so cheesy. What the hell, Niall? This is real looovvveee!!!! 

We went inside and some paparazzi saw and took pictures of us. I know they would put something weird in the tabloids again. I sighed at the thought of that.

I browsed the store, trying to find the perfect gift for Maryse. Then, I remembered. Oh. God! Its our first month today! Its October 26 today! 

I walked to Niall as he was looking at the displays. 

"Hey, mate. I totally forgot." I said 

"What?" he asked

"Its our first month today. What the f*ck."

"Then, this is the perfect time to buy her something." he advised as I nodded and looked through the display with him. 

I was looking through beautiful necklaces when I saw a sparkling set of diamonds on display. Its a black box, covered with velvet, with a pair of gold teardrop shaped earrings and a necklace with a gold heart pendant all with diamonds encrusted in it. Its perfect for her.

 I tapped on Niall's shoulder and I pointed at it.

 "Its perfect mate! It will look good on her. Good choice, mate." he agreed. He went in looking for some necklaces while I sat down on a chair and talked to the saleslady.

 "Hi sir, How may I help you?" she asked, I was still looking down at it and when she greeted me, I looked up and smiled.

Her eyes widened, suggesting that she knows who I am.

"Oh My Gosh! Zayn Malik from One Direction. I'm Tina and I'll be the one helping you today." she said flirtaciously. 

"Um, yeah sure. Can I see that box with a set of earrings and a necklace." I asked

"Sure. Hold on, Mr. Malik." she smiled at me and opened the glass door."Here you are sir." She gave me the box and she stared at me, talk about awkward. I knew its perfect. There's a tag underneath the box and its says $15,000. Really worth the money.

 "I'm taking it." I said

 "Okay. Um, who is this for if I may ask?" she implored 

"Umm, its for someone I love. Probably a lady." I answered sternly

 "Is it for your mom? How sweet! Well, I'm free tonight, maybe we can hang out?" she flirted, AWKWARD. 

"Oh, sorry. I'm not interested. I'm happy now." I took the box to the counter and I brought my credit card out to pay for it.

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