Chapter 10: A Winter with my Love 2

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*Maryse's P.O.V*

"Home sweet home!" I muttered.

"Hey!" Dane greeted with Niall, holding hands.

"So, how's, Bradford?" Niall asked as we sat on the couch.

"Well, it was really fun and his family likes me, so I guess we're all good!" I said cheerfully.

"Okay then, whatcha wanna do?" Dane asked

"I think we should pack for Manila after I rest. I'm gonna be upstairs and maybe sleep for a while then we can pack." Dane nodded as I stood up and went downstairs.

I plopped to my bed and started to drift to sleep. I'm so tired and tomorrow I'll be flying to Manila. I needed to since my mom's birthday is the day after that and I wouldn't want to miss it especially that my cousins will be there. It'll be a hell of a week for us.

3 hours later...

I just woke up from my slumber and I immediately checked my phone to see if Zayn texted or called and he did. I got 5 messages and 7 missed calls, all from Zayn.

I returned to his call and he quickly picked it up on the second ring.

"Hey babe! I'm sorry I didn't answer to your calls. I was so tired so I decided to sleep and I guess I was in a deep sleep." I said

"Its fine babe, I figured it out since you didn't answer. Well, I was just checking up on you. I just finished packing for the almost two weeks that we'll be there." he replied

"Good, well I'm going to Dane's room now and we're gonna be packing soon, talk to you later, babe."

"Okay, call me when you're done. Bye babe, I love you."

"Love you too, babe. Bye."

We hung up and I barged into Dane's room. Lets just say it was a very disturbing sight. Maybe, I should have knocked. I covered my eyes and closed the door. I waited for them in my room and removed the image in my mind.

*Dane's P.O.V.*

Oh my freaking gosh!!!!! Marys is gonna kill me!!! She just saw me and Niall in BED, NAKED! Aaahhhh!!! I hurriedly threw Niall's clothes to him and put on mine. We can't help but giggle at each others faces as we turned red earlier.

I got out of my room, followed by Niall and knocked on Maryse's door.

"Are you guys not naked anymore?" she scaredly asked

"Yeah, we are completely covered now." I answered

She then opened her door and raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation maybe.

"Well, if you wanna know what happened, yeah we did it and we are really sorry that you saw that. And next time, I hope you learned your lesson to knock first." I said

"Fine." she pouted

"Come on. lets go packing."

We finished packing with the help of Niall. I remember having dinner plans with Niall, but what about Maryse? Me and Niall were thinking of taking home some Nandos since we need to hide in the public eye together.

"Hey Maryse?" I called

"Yeah?" she answered as she turned her head from the tv, watching Gossip Girl re-runs.

"What's your plan for dinner?" I asked

"I don't know, what about you guys?" she implored as she pointed at the both of us.

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