Chapter 2 - The Guys

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I wanted this chapter to be longer, but I'm going away and don't want to leave you hanging.  I won't have internet for about a week, so hopefully I'll be able to write the next chapter and have it ready when I return.  

Happy reading!

Pick is Robbie Amell as Ethan.



I woke up to the sunlight streaming in my bedroom window, my eyes squinting as they adjusted to the barrage of light that accosted them. I reached to my left to make sure Nadia was still there. She often got up before me and left to go back to her place. Today was Friday, though, and our classes didn't start until noon.

"Morning, Tiger," she said in her sexy morning voice, reaching out and running a finger lightly from my stomach to my chest.

"Morning, Nadia," I said, smiling from her touch.

"I'm going to go make us breakfast," she said, getting out of bed and heading toward the bathroom.

I had been dating Nadia for about a year. I met her two months after Randi broke it off with me. She was working at the coffee shop where Randi and I had always stopped for our morning coffee. She told me later that she had thought I was cute from the moment that she saw me, but I never noticed.

After Randi and I split, I still stopped in the shop for my coffee. Once, someone had asked me where Randi had been, and I explained that we broke up. After a week or two of shameless flirting, Nadia asked me out to dinner. The rest was history. Now, as she was in the kitchen making breakfast, I thought of all the good times we'd had this past year.

When Hannah broke up with me right after graduation, I was devastated. I had thought that I was in love with her. Actually, I was in love with her. We had grown up together, and I trusted her. I knew everything about her, and she had always been there for me. I figured we were in it for the long haul. In fact, our parents did, too. When Hannah told me that she no longer wanted to date me, I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me. I managed to make it through the summer, pretending to be happy when I was actually falling apart. Going away to school, getting away from everything that was so familiar, was my saving grace.

It wasn't until I met Randi that I felt alive again. Even though it didn't end up working out for us, I felt like our relationship had helped me to overcome a major hurdle. Because of Randi, I knew that I could care for someone else besides Hannah. I have to say, though, I was surprised that Hannah was still single. Her long, straight, blonde hair and her big grayish blue eyes made her beautiful. I asked my sisters about her all the time, and they informed me that she had been single since our breakup. I wasn't sure how I'd react once she did start dating.

"Mmm, smells good," I said, as I walked into the kitchen to see Nadia putting the eggs onto our plates. I smiled as I hugged her, kissing her neck as she stood holding the empty skillet. Hannah who? I thought, grabbing Nadia's backside and pulling her up against me, skillet and all.

"Eat," she said, putting the skillet onto the range and pushing me to my seat. "We'll have time for kissing later."

I looked at my girlfriend as she walked toward the refrigerator. She looked stunning in my white button down shirt and her pink bikini panties. Her shiny, straight black hair hung down her back, slightly messy from sleep. As she turned around, her onyx eyes lit up as she smiled, her olive complexion making the whites of her eyes even more prominent. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful girlfriend.

Not only was she gorgeous, but she was kind as well. When I was being lazy, she motivated me to move faster. When I was down, she made me laugh. When I was missing home, she was up for the two hour ride to go see my parents. She knew what made me tick, and she very rarely let me down. I was thankful that she had pursued me following my breakup with Randi. I don't know what I would have done without her.


I was staring again. That Hannah Drake was something else. I had done my research. I knew that she dated Ethan Malick her junior and senior years of high school. I also knew that she was friends with the Malick twins, Hallie and Callie, who I taught in class two years ago. When talking with Jesse Malick, who happened to be one of my basketball players, I discovered that she was no longer with Ethan. As far as Jesse knew, Hannah wasn't currently dating anyone. It was time to make my move. I didn't want to wait much longer. A girl like Hannah Drake did not stay single long. She was friendly, bubbly, and always smiling. It was hard to find a girl these days that was both pretty and likable.

I stood up from my seat, walking toward her. Here goes nothing, I thought as I stood across from her at the table where she had decided to eat her lunch in the teachers' lounge. Her co-op, Janice Nichols, must be running late today. Lucky me, I thought, smiling at the beautiful girl in front of me.

"Hey," I said, sitting down. "How's it going?"

She smiled. "It's going pretty well. Next week, I'll be teaching all of Janice's classes. It's kind of exciting."

"That's awesome," I said. "I'm sure you'll be amazing."

"I don't know about that, but I'm going to try," she said, then she let out a nervous laugh.

"You'll be great. I just know it," I said encouragingly.

"Thanks," she said, looking down at the table. She was humble, too. Wow.

"Would you like to go get coffee sometime or something?" I asked. I was probably bright red by now. I wasn't bad at picking up women, but I couldn't control the rush of blood that graced my complexion when I was nervous.

"Sure, I would like that," she said.

"Friday?" I asked.

"Friday is good," she said.

We exchanged numbers, then went back to eating our lunches and carrying on a now simple, meaningless conversation. Janice walked in during that time and sat down next to us, none the wiser. I coudn't wait until Friday.


Please remember to vote and/or comment.  Next time, I will be sure to make Gabe's POV longer.  Also, if anyone has any ideas of an actress that fits Nadia's description, let me know.  

Next chapter will be in Hannah's POV.  

Thanks for reading!!

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