Chapter 30 - The Guys

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It's been too long! Thanks to everyone who is still reading despite my slow updates. This chapter is not as exciting as I'd like, but it is necessary. Hope you enjoy it!

By the way, the picture will make more sense after you read the chapter. 



I woke up feeling refreshed.  Last night had been so much fun.  I loved that Hannah and I had gotten to be a team again, even if it was only for a night of board games with our families.  I really hoped that tonight, or the next time we played, we would be partners again. 

I noticed that Jesse was not in his bed.  He must have gotten up pretty early.  Part of me had wanted to wake early as well, but the part of me that wanted to revel in my small Hannah related success as I lay in bed with the morning light streaming into the room and the faint ocean breeze blowing across my boxer clad body had won out.  It was when I'd heard Jonah getting out of the shower that I'd decided to get out of bed. 

After showering and getting dressed, I headed down the stairs.  I heard my parents talking as I approached. 

"Don't make a big deal out of it here," my mom said.

"But I don't want this to make them hate each other," my dad said.

I stopped on the stairs to try and hear more.

"It might cause some strife at first, but they'll work it out.  They grew up together.  It's different than your situation," my mom said.

I really wanted to know what they were talking about.  Who would hate each other?  About what?  And what was Dad's situation?  As I poised to hear more, I heard the kitchen door swing open. 

"Hey guys," I heard my brother say.  "Sorry about this morning.  It really looked worse than it was."

Had they been talking about Jesse?  Why?  What looked worse than it was?

"It was the second time I found you that way," my mom said.

"It was the second time it meant nothing, Mom.  I promise," Jesse said. 

"If you say so," my mom replied. "It just seems like maybe you're downplaying it more than you should."

"I'm not, Mom. It really is no big deal. Sorry to disappoint you," Jesse said.

"Morning!" I heard one of my sisters say. They might not look much alike, but they sounded identical. I had no idea which one had entered the scene.

The next thing I knew, Jesse was walking up the steps past me. I grabbed his arm.

"What were you and Mom talking about down there?" I asked.

"Nothing," Jesse said.

"It sounded like more than nothing," I replied.

"Mom wants it to be something, but it's nothing. Really," he said, pulling his arm free and walking up the stairs. He seemed irritated.

I walked into the kitchen, trying a different tactic.

"What's Jesse in such a hurry for?" I asked.

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