Chapter 18 - The Guys

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Okay. Here's the next chapter. Sorry for the wait.


Every morning before school started, a few of my friends and I would practice free throws and lay ups in the gym. Our gym teacher, Mr. Hoffs, didn't mind, and Mr. Parsons encouraged it. Carl and I had been practicing for almost an hour and were wrapping it up so we would be on time for first period.

I went to pick my back pack up before heading into the showers. The zipper had been acting up, and Hannah's purse fell out when I lifted it off of the bleachers. Carl noticed and I sighed.

"Are you so whipped that you're carrying Rachel's purse around for her?" Carl asked.

That was just stupid. Why would my girlfriend want me to carry her purse around school for her? This guy was dumb.

"It's not Rachel's purse. It belongs to Han, I mean Miss Drake. She left it at my house last night," I said, before realizing how it sounded.

"So you're dating Rachel and having booty calls with Miss Drake?" Carl asked, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

I sighed. "No, you idiot. My sisters are friends with her and she left it after visiting them last night."

"Sure. I guess that's your story, then?" he asked.

"That's the only story," I replied. I knew I'd left out some details, but my explanation was close enough to the truth.

"Wow, you're one lucky guy.  You're dating Rachel, who is easy on the eyes.  Now, I find out Miss Drake hangs out at your house.  She's so hot," he said.

I thought it was funny how I'd never really thought of Hannah as hot. I mean, when I hit puberty and Ethan was dating her, of course I noticed her. Since then, though, she's become less of an object and more of a friend. So much so, I hadn't noticed lately that the guys were right. Hannah was hot, despite how weird I felt when I thought about it.

"Tell me," Carl went on, "are they ever both at your house at the same time? Rachel and Miss Drake? Oh, and your sisters! They're hot, too!"

"Yes, they have been at my house at the same time. All of them," I replied.

"How do you handle it? I would combust!" he said.

Wow. My friend was crazy. "Well, you see, two of them are my sisters, so that takes them out of the picture.  I've known Miss Drake since I was born, so I don't really think of her like that.  Rachel is the only one that I think of as hot, so I guess that's how I handle it," I answered.

"I get the sisters part.  Miss Drake, though?  How can you not be affected by her being in your house?  I wouldn't care how long I knew her.  You are a special kind of blind," he replied.

I wanted to change the subject.  Hannah and sex hadn't occupied the same corner of my mind since I'd been about thirteen.  I didn't want them reuniting now. 

"Let's go hit the showers," I said.  "We're going to be late."

"Okay, purse boy, let's go," he said.

I walked down the hall, running my hand through my hair, trying to get rid of the rest of the water from my shower.  Carl had stayed back to talk to Mr. P, and I had left to return Hannah's purse.

I was glad that I would be speaking with Hannah sans Mr. P. He was always around her anymore, and it was awkward talking with her. Besides, I was beginning to think she could do better. There was just something about Mr. P with Hannah that didn't fit.

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