Chapter 36 - The Guys

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Sorry I'm so slow. I have been working on this since my last update, but I could only do a little at a time.



Game night last night was so boring. I had to be partners with my dad, like I was some type of little kid. I guess I deserved it, though. I was acting like a spoiled brat. When the torture finally ended, I went up to the room I shared with Jesse and Jonah. Jonah had gone out onto the back porch, engrossed in whatever he was doing with his phone. I wouldn't be surprised if he was telling Rachel about tonight. Jesse was nowhere to be found. I didn't even ask. I didn't even want to know. I was mad that his leaving had inspired Hannah to also leave.

I wasn't stupid. I knew Hannah enough to know that she wasn't interested in me. I couldn't tell if she liked Gabe or that Michael guy, but whoever she was interested in wasn't me. Hell, she liked Jesse more than she liked me. So much more than she liked me.

It wasn't like Jesse and Hannah were hanging together tonight, though. Jesse had come up here somewhere and Hannah had walked out the front door. She was probably meeting up with Michael, her beach hunk or whatever. I don't think Jesse had sneaked out, but who knew. Who cared at this point?

As I was getting ready for bed, I received a text. It was from Nadia.

Nadia: Thinking of you. Hoping we can talk soon.

My spirits were lifted. Nadia had been a great girlfriend, and had lost interest in me because of my obsession with Hannah. I was so stupid. Hannah didn't want me. I should have stuck with a good thing.

Me: You can call me now if you want.
Nadia: Okay.

My phone buzzed a few seconds later.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey there, Hot Stuff," she replied, sounding happy.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"I'm on vacation. We're coming home tomorrow," I said.

"So, you're with Hannah?" she asked, a defensive tone surfacing in her otherwise friendly voice.

"Hannah is here, somewhere. I'm not with her. Not in any sense of the word," I explained.

"So, you didn't get the girl?" she asked.

"Let's just say I lost interest," I said, not wanting to admit the events from a few hours ago.

"Well, that's music to my ears. I was calling because I miss you. I was wondering if you'd want to meet up sometime soon," she asked.

"I would like that," I said.

"Good. I have so much to tell you," she said.

A thought occurred to me, and I had to ask.

"You're not, like, pregnant with my kid or anything, are you?" I asked.

"Not exactly," she said, "but let's just say I've been through some stuff that made me realize we need to talk about a few things."

"Okay," I said. "Sure."

"Good. How about you call me when you get home and we'll figure something out? I can't wait to see you again," she said, sounding happy once more.

We hung up, and I was left wondering why she needed to talk to me. Even though I was confused as to what she could have possibly been through, I was eager to catch up with her. Who knew? Maybe we would get back together.

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