Chapter 10 - The Guys

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Merry Christmas! Sorry for the delay. Hope you like it.

Pic is Natalie Martinez as Nadia.



I was angry, much angrier than was necessary for the circumstances. I couldn't believe that Levi was being such a jerk. How could he be so insecure that he accused Hannah and me of sleeping together? Really? He couldn't think of any other reasons why we might have some weird psychic connection? I mean, there was probably a reason, if not just because we had spent a lot of time together in the past couple of years. I don't know if that was it, but it made more sense than the nonsense Levi was spouting.

I almost wished that I would have taken Rachel up on her offer and just skipped game night altogether. In hindsight, I would have had more fun with her than with Levi the douche, but I didn't want to be a jerk and leave Hannah alone with a day's notice before game night. At least next week, Hannah and I would be on separate teams, and the stupid accusations would stop.

As I sat seething about the events from tonight, I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in," I said.

My door opened and Hallie came in, looking solemn, her black hair pulled back into a ponytail.

"I'm sorry about Levi," she said. "I thought it was funny at first, but he took it too far. Of course you and Hannah aren't a thing. We all know that. If sex made you psychic, then Levi and I would have every answer. Heck, Mom and Dad would have been the winners all along."

"Ew, Hallie!" I said a little too loudly. "That's gross!"

"You are such a child," she said as she walked out the door, smiling. 

"You have to admit," she said as she reached in to close my bedroom door, "you and Hannah are creepily connected."

"I know," I said, right before my door closed.

My mind wandered to last night. I had so much fun, but I still had a hard time believing that Rachel actually liked me enough to go out with me.  Tomorrow night it would be just the two of us.  I was nervous, but I could handle it. 

I picked up my phone and texted Rachel.  Looking forward to tomorrow night.

I didn't want to sound like a girl, but I really was excited, and I hoped saying no tonight didn't give her the wrong idea.  My sisters had me paranoid.

A minute or so later, she replied with:  Me too!!

At least she still seemed happy about it.  I walked over to my desk and started on my homework.  I didn't have much, but I did have a paper due Thursday that I would not be writing tomorrow night. Two pages into my three page paper, my phone beeped.  It was a text from Hannah. It read: Hey. Just checking on you since you left before I said goodbye.

I did feel bad about leaving Hannah downstairs alone with Levi and the Funky Bunch and running upstairs, but I was too mad to stay any longer.

I replied: I'm fine. Sorry I left before you did.

I figured she was smiling as she typed: You know I don't take that personally. I just didn't like how they upset you. I told them to keep their mouths shut next week.

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