Chapter 17 - Hannah

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I've had major writer's block lately. Sorry it's been almost a month. I hope you like it.


I liked Gabe, I really did, but was he the one? Probably not. Was it worth spending time with him for now? I didn't know. He was funny and I had a good time with him, so those were some pros. On the other hand, I knew he was waiting for sex and I wasn't anywhere near being ready to give that to him.

I felt badly about the whole thing. Maybe we should just be friends. When we had first started dating, he had such potential. He took me to fun places, he came with me to game night, he wasn't too bothered by Ethan, and he respected my decisions even when they didn't agree with his. I should have really been into him. But I wasn't.

When Jesse had texted me a few weeks ago to talk to him about the comments some students made in class, Gabe had responded truthfully. He told me how nervous he'd been and how he didn't want to be unprofessional or say something I preferred he didn't say. I knew he had done his best under pressure.

It had brought a certain level of tension to my relationship with a few of my students, but that wasn't Gabe's fault.  Two or three girls who
had crushes on Gabe were snarkier with me, while a few of the boys became bolder in their attempts to flirt with me.  It was nothing I couldn't handle.  I only had a week left of student teaching.  I could pretty much deal with whatever came my way. 

It was game night again, one without Ethan, thank goodness, and Gabe and I were on our way over to the Malicks'.  I looked over at him as he drove.  He was pretty good looking, with his slight stubble and his disheveled blondish-brown hair.  His blue eyes were striking as well. 

He looked over at me, a smile playing on his lips.  "What are you looking at?" he asked.

"I was just studying you," I answered.

"Studying me?" he asked.

I didn't want to tell him that while I studied him, I was contemplating the chances of our future together.  What would he say?  Was he thinking the same thing that I was?

"Yeah," I replied.

"Like what you see?" he asked jokingly.

"I sure do," I answered truthfully.

Gabe was pretty spectacular looking, but looks weren't  everything.  Sometimes, just the way a person acts can make them beautiful.  Gabe wasn't a jerk, but I couldn't recall any moments where his actions were the cause of my attraction to him.  I was beginning to think that may be why I was having this internal dialogue with myself.

"We're here," Gabe said, bringing me out of my reverie.

He took my hand in his as we were walking up the sidewalk. His willingness to show appropriate public affection was another pro to put on the list. We stood side by side as he knocked.

"Hey there!" Jesse said from inside the house after opening the door. "Come on in."

We walked in, handing Jesse our coats, and made our way to our usual spot on the sofa. Everyone looked like they were ready and had been waiting for us to start.  Jesse came in from the kitchen and sat down in between Rachel and me.  I gave him a weird look as I glanced his way.

"What?" he whispered.

"You're just usually on the other side of Rachel," I said.

"You're right," he said.  "I can move."

"It's not that important," I said.  "I'm just used to routine."

"Can your OCD handle it?" he said, smiling.

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