Chapter 12 - The Guys

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Sorry for the extreme delay. I've been kind of sad lately and couldn't really write. Hopefully, you'll like it.



I wasn't sure what was going to happen tonight. Rachel and I agreed to go to dinner and a movie. I knew it was a cliche date, but she seemed into it. I hoped she still wanted to date me afterwards. I seemed to annoy girls after they got to know me.

It always started off with them thinking I was dorky, but cute.  After hanging out a few times, they would say I was awkward.  Then, it just turned into "I'll call you tomorrow," which never happened. I didn't like it, but it seemed to be my lot in life.  I didn't always mind.  I figured I was young and had plenty of time to find someone.  I just really liked Rachel, and I wanted this to work.

I was putting the finishing touches on my outfit when Hallie peeked her head in my room.

"Looking good, Baby Brother," she said as she winked.

"Thanks," I mumbled, going back to working on my look.

I had decided to wear a pair of medium wash jeans that fit, but not too tightly.  I chose a navy blue t-shirt with some abstract design on the front.  I wore my black converse shoes with the outfit.  I didn't obsess too much over how I looked, but I thought I didn't look half bad. 

I walked downstairs and saw my mom and dad in the kitchen, making dinner.  My mom spotted me and came walking toward me. 

"Aw, my little boy, all ready for his date," she said. 

Ugh.  I was the baby, I got it.  That didn't mean everyone had to give me constant reminders.  The last thing I wanted to be tonight was a baby. 

"Yeah," I mumbled. 

"I guess you're taking the car?" she asked.

My sisters shared a car, but my mom usually just let me use hers when I needed one.

"Yeah," I answered. 

"Here are the keys.  It's a school night, so try to be in by ten thirty," she said, "eleven at the latest."

"Will do," I answered, taking the keys from her extended hand.

My dad came in as my mom went back into the kitchen.

"I trust you kid," he said.  "Just don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Don't worry, Dad.  I won't," I replied.

I walked out the door as my dad stood watching me from the doorway.  As I got into the car, my text alert went off.  I looked at my phone.  It read, "She's going to have a great time tonight.  So are you!!"  It was from Hannah.

Her words put me at ease.  Reading her text convinced a few of the butterflies inside of me to land, causing a decrease in the fluttering. 

"Thanks," I texted back.

As I pulled up to Rachel's house, I turned off the car and stepped out of the driver's seat, closing the door behind me. I walked up onto the front porch and knocked on the door. I could hear some quiet commotion inside before the door opened.

On the opposite side stood a woman with Rachel's face. The only differences were that she was slightly taller, had shorter hair, and had a darker complexion. I could tell she was Rachel's mom.

"Hi," she said warmly, smiling. Her smile was exactly like Rachel's.

Oops, I'd been daydreaming.

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