Chapter 34 - The Guys

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Hope you enjoy this chapter.  The picture is similar to the roof referred to in the story. 



I couldn't put my finger on it, but something was happening with Hannah and Jesse. The way they had acted once Hannah discovered he was following her was weird.  I didn't like it.  It may have just been an extension of my annoyance with Hannah's date.  What was so great about Michael?  Why couldn't she come back to me, her old standby?

When we got back to the beach house, of course we had to listen to all the women discussing how cute Michael was and how disappointing it was that he didn't live closer to us.  Her mom even had the nerve to suggest that Hannah look for teaching jobs down here so that she might get to spend more time with him.  Really?  I knew I was going to have to face facts and move on from Hannah, but this was ridiculous! 

After dinner, my mom announced that, since it was our last night of vacation, we had to have one last game night.  I was hoping to get Hannah as my partner.  We all sat waiting for my dad to get the box of names to draw from.  When he didn't come back within a few minutes, my mom called to him.

"Honey, what's wrong?" she asked.

"I can't find the box," he answered, his voice muffled from the distance.

"I left it right by the sofa," my mom said, getting up and heading toward the living room area.

She walked into the other room to help him look. 

"Maybe we should just keep yesterday's teams," Jesse suggested.  

My face heated quickly, as did my temper.  He and Hannah had been partners.  Of course he wanted to keep her as his teammate.  Why should anyone else get to play with her?  Ooh.  I was furious.

"No," I spat.

He looked genuinely confused and a little hurt.  "Why not?" he asked.

"Because not everyone had Hannah for a partner," I said with contempt.

"Excuse me?" Hallie said, with her hand on her hip and a look on her face that meant she thought I was being stupid. "So the rest of us are nothing and only Hannah matters? No offense to Hannah, but you're being irrational, Ethan!"

"I didn't mean it that way," I stated.

"Then how did you mean it?" Hannah asked. "I'm not all that great at these games when I'm not paired with Jesse. Remember how we used to almost always come in dead last when we were dating?"

She was being her typical self, nicely trying to diffuse the situation. Unfortunately, my day was turning from bad to worse with quickening speed.

"Sure! Rub it in that you are better with Jesse than you ever were with me!" I shouted, knowing I was overreacting but not making an effort to change it.

"Dude, why are you getting so mad? I didn't mean to get you this upset. It's only a game. I just made the suggestion because it might be easier than finding the box," Jesse explained.

"I just don't think it's fair that you get Hannah twice in a row," I said sullenly.

My mom and dad emerged from the living room, my mom holding the infamous box.

"Found it!" my dad shouted happily.

At the same time, my mom, noticing the expressions on all of our faces, said, "What did we miss?"

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