Chapter 13 - Hannah

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Okay, I tried to make this update quicker.  I hope you like it!


It was Wednesday, the night that Gabe and Rachel would be introduced to game night. I was a little worried about how everyone would react to them. I hoped Levi would keep his mouth shut. I also wondered how Ethan would respond to Gabe being there. Even though it had been a long time since our break up, I sometimes got the impression that he was still bitter about me dumping him, no matter how well he attempted to cover it up. Oh well, he was going to have to deal with it sometime. It might as well be now.

The school day was over and I was finishing some last minute changes to tomorrow's lesson plans. I heard a noise behind me and turned around to see Gabe standing in the doorway.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey there," he replied. "I guess I'll pick you up at five-thirty tonight?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. Are you ready for your intro to game night?" I asked.

"You betcha," he answered.

"See you then," I said as he ducked out of sight.

A few minutes later, I was packing up and getting ready to leave when Jesse appeared in the doorway.

"Ready for our first game night apart?" he asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be. I may have to get used to buying snacks again," I said.

He laughed and sat on a desk in the front row, swinging his legs back and forth.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Waiting for you," he said. "I hate that you leave here alone so often. I don't understand why he doesn't wait for you."

That kind of irked me too. I mean, I wasn't a damsel in distress, but I would have waited for Gabe had he been the one taking longer.

"He's just usually busy," I said.

"Sure he is," Jesse responded.

"I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself," I said.

"I know you can. I just don't like it," he said.

Jesse could be such a cutie when he wanted to be. Rachel was lucky to have him. I thought that I could probably train Gabe over time to be a little more chivalrous. At least I hoped so.

"Well, thanks," I said, throwing a few last minute items in my bag as I prepared to leave.

"That's what friends are for," he said. "We can pick up where the boyfriends fail."

I laughed and punched him lightly on the shoulder. As we walked out of school, he reached his arm out toward me.

"Give me that bag," he said, "it's going to cause you some major back trouble."

He took my bag from my shoulder and put it over his arm, adjusting it to fit with the backpack he was already carrying.

"It really doesn't bother me that much, but thanks," I said.

"You're welcome," he replied, smiling.

"Is Rachel excited for tonight?" I asked.

"I think she's a little nervous, what with meeting my whole family and all," he said.

"We'll make her feel at ease," I said.

"You will, but it's my mom and sisters I worry about. And Levi," he said.

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