Chapter 37 - Hannah

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I wanted to get this out before Christmas, but I didn't make it. Better late than never, I guess. It's kind of a filler chapter. The next chapter will be them arriving at prom.



I was in trouble.  I tried to stop obsessing over the fact that I was suddenly aware of this insane and irrational crush I had on Jesse Malick.  Really?  How did this happen? 

I was supposed to be happy that his relationship with the girl with whom I'd set him up was going strong and that they were about to embark on the sexual part of said relationship.   I was supposed to be happy that this was happening just seventy-two hours or so from now.  I was supposed to be happy that one of my best friends was getting what he has wanted for so long.  But was I?  Absolutely not!  And that made me a horrible friend, case closed.

I didn't know if I was ready to come to terms with the fact that I desperately wanted to jump his bones yet, but I certainly didn't want Rachel taking that opportunity away from me.  Listen to me!  It's not like he was suddenly going to develop romantic feelings for me.  To him, I was practically an old lady.  I was his friend, end of the story.  I had no right to expect anything more. 

It wasn't even that I only wanted to make love (gulp) to him.  I wanted to spend time with him and joke with him and cuddle with him, and pretty much do anything, as long as it was with him.  What I didn't want was for Rachel to be doing those things with him.  Unfortunately for me, she was his girl of choice.  I had to accept that and move on.

Thankfully, Gabe was still taking me with him to chaperone the prom. I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing, considering the situation, but I needed to be there. If I saw Jesse and Rachel together moments before they left for their hotel room, maybe it would be like rubbing salt into a wound and my anxiety would subside. I could face the reality that Jesse was only a good friend and move on with life.

I got up reluctantly as my alarm went off, not looking forward to subbing today. Janice was taking the day off because her son and daughter-in-law were having their first child. I was happy to get the money, but subbing the last few days of school was not an easy task. There wasn't much teaching going on, but everyone wanted to go everywhere. Checking to make sure their passes were legitimate was a never ending battle.

When I walked into the office to sign in, I was greeted by Josie, who smiled at me with a shit-eating grin.

"Good morning, Hannah Drake," she said in a sing song voice.  "I haven't seen you in awhile."

"I was on vacation," I replied.  "I'm back now, though."

"I hear you're chaperoning the prom with Mr. Parsons," she said, like she knew a secret I didn't. 

"Yeah, that's the plan," I said.  Then, to be nice, I added,"Will you be there?"

"I will, thanks.  I thought I should make the time to go this year," she said. 

"Great!  See you there," I said, taking Janice's key out of her mail slot and heading out the door into the school.

As I approached the top of the stairs, I decided I should probably make a quick stop into Gabe's room to say hi. After all, he knew I was coming in to sub today.

When I peeked my head in, he was on the school phone. I didn't really hear what he was saying, but when he saw me, he hurriedly said goodbye. Now, with his face slightly pink, he turned to me and said, "Hello."

"Hi," I replied. "I just wanted to stop by and say hello before heading into Janice's room."

"She probably already told you, but she left a variety of puzzle sheets and crosswords out for them today. She said to take points off of anyone misbehaving and to give extra credit for any work they actually hand in. Don't tell them it's extra credit, though," he said.

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