Chapter 1 - Hannah

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                             it is. I hope you like it. I don't know for sure how many POV's I'm going to use. I'm thinking maybe five, but Hannah will be the voice that shows up the most. I know it's short for right now, but the chapters will either get longer or be published more frequently.

Pic is Zoe Levin as Hannah. (Check out the cast list.)


Did I love Ethan Malick? Sure. Was I in love with him? Not so much. We had grown up together, and knew each other very well. Almost too well. During our Junior Prom, we had given each other our virginity. I really had loved him, but not the way he needed to be loved. He needed a girl who wanted to baby him, and I was most definitely not that girl.

It wasn't that I was selfish, but it just seemed as if I was always sticking up for him, and stepping in for him, or doing something for him. It wasn't that Ethan was a wimp. He was just so darn comfortable with me that he expected good old Hannah to step in and save him. I enjoyed playing the part when I was young. It could even be a turn on in the right situation. I was eighteen when I realized that I wanted a guy who would stick up for me, step in for me, or do something for me. It sort of sucked that I had slept with Ethan the week before my revelation. On one hand, I felt really stupid and slightly used. On the other hand, that chapter of my life was written, and I could move on to bigger and better things. We hadn't given each other any diseases, and I knew that he loved me. It could have been much worse. It hadn't felt like I was sleeping with my brother or anything gross like that, but it had still been a little weird.

I went to college single, dated a few guys, then ended up student teaching back in my hometown. For awhile now, I had been resigned to the fact that I led life better as a single girl, and that I may not ever find my Prince Charming. This revelation had saddened me slightly, but I was getting used to it as time went by. I could manage being alone for the rest of my life. I just didn't want to be. I vowed to graduate college first, and then worry about guys.

Then I met him. His name was Gabriel Parsons, and he was gorgeous. He was a history teacher at my old high school, where I was assigned to student teach. He had shaggy brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. He was tall, too, probably over 6 feet. Since I was 5 foot 10, a tall guy was definitely a plus. When he spoke, his voice was like velvet, and I had to make myself focus on my conversations with him so that I didn't sound ridiculous. He was the social studies teacher and the basketball coach. All of the students loved him, and more than one suggested that he and I should date. I was hoping that he wanted to date me as much as I wanted to date him. After all, my sleuthing students had discovered that he was, in fact, single.

I decided I would ask the Malick siblings when I was at their house for game night this week. My best friends (and Ethan's twin sisters), Hallie and Callie, were 2 years younger than me. By my calculations, Gabriel had begun teaching at the high school their senior year. I could also ask Jesse, their little brother. He was a senior this year and had played basketball, which probably meant he knew more about Gabriel than his sisters. Hopefully, he might even be able to put in a good word for me.

When I got to the Malick house on Thursday, Max and Rhia were putting their coats on in the foyer.

"We'll be back around midnight. Don't wait up," Rhia yelled to 3 of her 4 children.

"I guess you're not joining us for game night tonight?" I asked my mom's best friend.

"No. Max and I are going out to dinner and a movie. We're celebrating our anniversary a little early," she said as Max wrapped his arm around her.

He kissed her on the cheek.

"Ew, gross, guys!" Jesse said as he walked down the steps and past his parents.

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