Chapter 11 - Hannah

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It's been too long. This chapter was hard to write for some reason. Hope you enjoy it.

Pic is Zoe Levin as Hannah.


I was frustrated with the garbage Levi had been spewing at the Malick's house. I didn't really care what he thought. He couldn't hurt me, and I doubt Gabe would believe any of his nonsense if he started next week when he was there. I was concerned about Jesse, though. He was so unpredictable when it came to how he acted in regard to Rachel. I was pretty sure it was just his insecurities getting the best of him, but I was angry nonetheless. I was going to be ready with killer comebacks in case he tried anything. What kind of an ex-game partner would I be if I didn't defend my old partner?

I sent him a quick text to make sure he was okay.  After his response, I felt a little better.  Hopefully, the subject would be forgotten once our team was broken up. 

On the brighter side, I was excited to invite Gabe to game night.  I knew it was such a nerdy tradition, but I have always enjoyed it.  It had been fun with Ethan, but winning almost every week since with Jesse was pretty insane.  In the almost four years that we'd been paired up, we lost three times.  Once was on purpose.  It was Max's birthday, so we let him and Rhia win.  The second time, Jesse had the flu and insisted on playing.  He ended up falling asleep and I'd forfeited.  The last time, I'm pretty sure Ethan and Randi had cheated.  We suspected anyway, but it was never confirmed.   Randi and Ethan had broken up over a year ago, so it had been awhile since we'd lost. Even if we didn't win next week, I was sure that playing with Gabe was going to be fun.

As I was daydreaming about the possibilities, Hallie called.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi," she replied. 

"Hi," I said.

"I wanted to apologize for Levi and his stupid remarks tonight," she said.

"Thanks for calling, but I already know Levi says too many things that he shouldn't.  I'm over taking any of it personally.  Your brother, on the other hand, might be a little more sensitive to it," I explained.

"Yeah, I already talked with him.  I think he's alright with it," she said.

Then she laughed.  It was a gentle laugh, but slightly judgmental sounding, if that makes any sense.

"What?" I asked.

"It's funny.  I know he's not anywhere near being right about you two, but I see his point," she said.

"What are you suggesting?" I asked, a little defensiveness showing through in my voice.

"I call and apologize to you, and your first thought is about Jesse.  You two always have each others' backs," she said.

"That's because we're friends," I said.  "That's what friends do."

She sighed.  "I know, but it just seems different.  Maybe it's the whole mind reading thing."

"Yeah, maybe," I said, suddenly wanting to get off the phone. 

"Well, I'll talk to you later.  Sorry again," she said.

"Not a problem.  Talk to you soon," I said.



Ugh.  What was everyone's problem?  And why did they wait until Jesse and I had both found people that could end up being our significant others to dwell on our odd mind reading skills?  It's been going on for four years, and now they bring it up.  I went to bed hoping that tomorrow would be a better day.

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