Chapter 23 - Hannah

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This is a filler chapter. Hope it's not too disappointing. Happy late Easter and/or Passover!!



Easter was approaching, and I had almost enough money saved to start apartment shopping. If nothing unexpected came up, the plan was for me to move sometime in June. I had found a few I liked browsing online, but nothing spoke to me. I couldn't wait to actually look at places in person.

Aside from when I subbed, I very rarely saw Gabe anymore. He and I texted, and he had attended one game night since our coffee house date, but I was trying to keep my distance. Physically, Gabe was pretty much perfect. Emotionally, he was selfish and promiscuous, while I wasn't. I didn't have the "wait 'til marriage" morals, but I certainly had the "wait until I'm in love" morals. Our priorities just clashed. Fortunately, he still wanted to take me to prom. I really wanted to chaperone and see my students dressed up. Plus, I felt distinguished being labeled a chaperone.

I hadn't really had time to worry about what it meant to have Gabe fading from my life.  The high school still had sub positions to fill almost every day.  I even got to sub for Janice once.  Since those were the classes I had taught as a student teacher, I felt right at home. 

I have to admit, I felt a little self-conscious around Chase Wheeler and his friends since his fight with Jesse, but I tried my best not to let it get to me. Of course, they made comments when they were in my presence. Thankfully, they were often said under their breath or were vague enough that I could pretend not to understand the underlying meanings. I ignored it enough that eventually bothering me became old news. They had younger, prettier girls with whom to occupy their conversations.

The other day, as the dismissal bell rang, I heard a noise at the door while I was tidying up. I looked to see Jesse standing there.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, yourself," he said. "Rachel is staying for the newest yearbook layout, so I thought I'd check up on you."

I laughed. "I'm a big girl. I can handle myself. Not that I don't appreciate the gesture," I said, bending over to pick up two stray pencils and a sheet and a half of paper that were littering the floor.

"They have custodians to do that," he said, lifting his hand in reference to my actions.

"I know, but as a sub, I don't want to leave a mess. I want a job sometime soon," I said.

Jesse then placed his backpack on the desk nearest the door and joined me in my cleaning.

"You don't have to do that. I didn't even have you in class today," I said.

"I know, but I've got time to help a friend," he said, smiling.

"Thanks," I said.

We both turned as we heard someone approach the doorway and come to a stop. It was Gabe.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, yourself," he replied. "I see Prince Charming is helping you. That's a surprise." His tone was laced with sarcasm, and it turned my stomach.

I was about to develop a quippy comeback to throw at him when Jesse spoke up.

"I'm only Hannah's Prince Charming because you didn't want to be. I'm willing to pass the title to you. I already have a princess, but I can't leave a damsel in distress," he explained.

I reached out and smacked him on the upper arm. "I am not a damsel in distress," I said, screwing my face into an agonized pose.

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