Chapter 6 - The Guys

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Pic is Jordan Hinson as Hallie Malick.



I was still in my bedroom, minding my own business, when I received Hannah's text. What? The twins knew I had a crush on someone? Oh no. I would never hear the end of it. I started to text Hannah back, but realized that it would take a lot of texting to discuss the issue. Instead, I clicked on Hannah's name in my contact list and put the phone to my ear. I heard her ringback, Mr. Brightside, on the other end. That song cracked me up.

"Sorry," she answered.

"How do they know?" I asked, the worry evident in my voice.

"Well, they were making fun of us, and somewhere in there they read my mind. They knew I was hiding something about you. They creep me out sometimes," she said.

I laughed. I knew exactly what she was talking about. Sometimes I thought they were psychic, but they were just really good at reading people.

"Of course they figured out it was girl related," she said.

"I get it," I said. "It just shocked me a little."

"I'm sorry," she said sincerely.

"It's not that big of a deal. I've dealt with those two before," I said.

"Yeah, I guess," she said. "You'll never tell me another secret now."

"I'm not mad at you," I told her.

My door started to shake as a result of the pounding coming from the other side.

"Hey, Jesse, let us in," the twins called from the hallway.

"Uh oh, they're pounding on my door," I said.

"Let me know how it goes," she said. "Bye."

"Bye," I said, pushing the End button on my phone.

"Go away," I said.

"Never," one of them said. The pounding continued.

I sighed and stood up, walking over to my door. I opened it to find my two nosey sisters waiting impatiently.

"Tell us about her," Hallie said.

"Is she pretty?" Callie asked.

"Listen. You'll know all about her if she says yes," I said, closing the door.

I ignored their squeals as I thought about what I had to do to get to that point. I was both excited and terrified for Tuesday to arrive. I was just thankful that I had Hannah to help me.


I walked into school Monday morning to find that, contrary to how I felt, the world had not changed since I'd left on Friday afternoon. I thought back to my time with Hannah on Friday night, and I couldn't help but smile. I hoped that she had enjoyed herself as much as she said she did. After checking in at the office and placing my briefcase in my classroom, I strode into the hallway in hopes that I'd run into her. No such luck.

Lunch came quickly, and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face when Hannah took a seat across the table from me.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi. How's your day going?" she asked.

"Pretty well. Yours?" I replied.

"Good. I wanted to come see you this morning, but it was the first time I was teaching first period, and I wanted to make sure I was prepared," she said. That explained why I didn't see her in the hallway, I thought.

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