CH 10

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I had just landed in Busan when my phone rang and I switched my suitcase to the other hand to answer the phone, it was CJ's dad.

"Where in the hell are you? I went by the house, but its for sale and the real estate agent said you had already left."

"I'm sorry for what I've done to CJ and in the future I hope he will forgive me at some point, but right now Tim I have to let this all go in order to change. Goodbye Tim, and thank you for allowing me to have your son's heart for so long." I said the last part crying and hanging the phone up, and powered off my phone.

I ordered a taxi to a house that I am renting for the moment until I find a place to stay. The cab driver stopped at the house and it was a one bedroom one bathroom little home, just perfect for me. While I was walking to the front door a woman next door came to me, luckily I grew up speaking Korean, before I came here.

"Hi sir, you new to town?"

"Yes auntie I'm staying for a while, then I'm finding another place to stay."

"Oh okay. Is your girlfriend coming as well?"

"No auntie I'm gay and recently divorced." I really wanted to head inside, but I came here for a reason, to focus on my emotions.

"Ohh you are still handsome though, well get inside and my name is Chae-Won."

"And my name is Perri Ore, nice to meet you as well."

I opened the front door and saw how comfy the furniture made the room feel and headed to the bedroom to take out some pajamas and take a shower. Once I was done showering I sat on my bed with my laptop and researched some good therapist to go to. And when I finally made an appointment I closed my laptop and laid back down. I need to get rid of the old me and create a new me.

Forget dinner, I need sleep right now.

Next Day at appointment

"Hi my name is Ae-Chan and I will be your therapist, what seems to be the issue?"

"I tend to let my emotions get the better of me and I have hurt people in the past and it even resulted in me losing my dad and my husband."

"Was it all your emotions or was there another contributor?"

And with that question I dig way back down into my life, and sooner rather than later the session ended. I made an appointment for next week at the same time, and left the building. Since it was still sunlight up I went to a lake and threw my phone in there. Along with my laptop. I don't need anything nor want it. New life. New life. New life.

And with me saying this, chant I walked to a mobile service shop and got the most cheapest phone there was, which was a flip phone.

I walked to a supermarket and brought a bike, since it normal for bikes to be transportation in South Korea. I road my bike back the house I'm renting and ran inside quickly to get a farmers bag and got back onto my bike to head back to the market for grocery. New life. New life. New life.

I brought cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, green onions, purple onions, apples, peaches, plums, and melons.

I would go to the supermarket for meat and seaport for seafood next. As soon as my bag became heavy a nice fisherman gave me another one and filled it to the ream of crawfish, shrimp, salmon, and lobster. Then headed back home.

It felt good to bring in air like this instead of having my face in my phone or laptop, and wearing flashy things.

I put the food up that I will not cook tonight and decided to cook a steamed bell pepper with crawfish. It was delicious having home cooked food.

I looked around me and cried once again. I can't believe I lost him. I lost everyone. I knew it was a mistake, but mistakes happen once and then you learn from it, but I made that a mistake for an entire year.

I was in a nightclub releasing some stress due to the high increase of pallet furniture. I was sipping on some type of vodka when someone came next to me.

"What are you doing here by yourself?"

"Drinking." really not trying to have a conversation.

"Well how about I drink with you?"

And when he sat down I got up and paid for my five drinks I had, and went to the bathroom.

When I finish taking a piss, I saw the boy again in the restroom.

"Listen I'm married."

"And I'm single."

"I don't mess with whores in the street." To make him think I'm rude, but that seem to startle something in him.

"My name is Johnny. Johnny Yui."

"The upcoming councilman's son?"


"Okay good for you no-" I was about to say now move, but was surprised when he kissed me on the lips. I pulled back and looked at him like crazy, and was about to yell at him until he did it again and started rubbing me. This felt too good. But I have to remember I'm drunk and vulnerable.

We carried on the acts of deceitfulness, and I enjoyed it and encouraged it. I encouraged it so much I gave him my number, My office building, hotel rooms to meet me, café to go to, holding hands, and a little kisses. I caused this.

I finally got out of my daze when I heard the doorbell ringing, so I got up form my sit and there was Chae-Won holding a bag filled with something.

"Goodness I've been ringing for my entire life."

"Sorry auntie I was daydreaming."

"Oh it's fine, I just came over here to bring you kimchi. You can also keep the tupperware, have a nice night cutie." She left with a smile on her face and soon one was building onto my face.

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