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Fede was smarter than me but I was better at school. I remember things very well and Fede; well, he was just lazy with it. But Fede knew how to fix things, he was a social butterfly and I was just chilling on one of his wings. But I was the star in school. I got straight A's and I was probably going to a great college. I wanted to become a lawyer, seemed weird, but I always got my way and I was the green light at the debate team. I was very competitive and loved winning.

Fede picked me up every morning so I wouldn't have to ride my bike to school or take the bus, I hated going with the bus. There were always weird people on it. One lady always wants to sit next to me, even when the bus is empty. That wouldn't be a problem but she always eats her smelly tuna sandwich next to me and that makes me gag.

I loved that Fede felt so comfortable at my house, it has always been like that. Fede would just barge in, kick of his dirty shoes and sit down next to my dad at the coffee table. My dad wasn't by any means rich but he always works incredibly hard so there was always more than enough food for all of us. On school days we mostly eat cornflakes with milk anyways. Fede slurps up his cornflakes like a crazy person, he was always on the move and always in a rush. My dad was always tough on him when he was rushing trying to down his food. My father liked company and a busy house. So, he often made Fede sit for at least fifteen minutes so he could talk about school with him. Fede didn't like to talk about school and his grades because he was failing every class. So, he usually changed the subject and talk about the car he would be working on at that moment. I liked these little rituals we had, they felt sacred to me. I loved the structure and security it brought me, it made me feel safe and whole.

Fede walked in ten minutes ago and was on the edge of his chair ready for me to stand up so we could leave. His bowl of honeycomb cereal was empty nine minutes ago and he was ready to hop in his car and leave. Fede had a car and a driver's license, lucky bastard. That made me think about getting my own driver's licence.
My dad was talking to us from the kitchen while packing some food from the bakery for us to eat during lunch break. Fede was eyeing me down and signing that we should leave. I waved off his signs and whispered he needed to calm down. Fede always rushed but I hated to be rushed. 'Do you have a suit, Fede? You know, I probably have a suit that would fit you if you need one?'. My dad asked Fede. I was actually curious if Fede had a suit. I would feel kind of bad if he had to buy a suit for this stupid dance. 'I have a suit, thank you for offering though'. Fede casually said. He then looked at me and smiled. 'Jady, if you want to witness first period we should leave now'. My father laughed and placed a bag of tasty treats in front of his nose. 'I was wondering when you would become on edge, fifteen minutes exact'. He joked and I could see Fede getting a little embarrassed by his behaviour. 'Sorry, sir'. He apologized. 'Don't say sorry, Fede. Without you, Jade would probably be absent every morning'. I grabbed my bag and frowned. 'Wow, thanks dad. How nice to hear you talk so highly of me'? My dad gave me a weird hug by wrapping one arm around me and laughed. 'Just being honest, sweetheart'. I nodded; he was full of crap.

I leaned against the car window as we drove to school, it wasn't a long ride but I always enjoyed driving past the fields when the lavender had turned everything purple. It reminded me of summer and this summer had been amazing, warm but not the kind of heat that made you sweat from every pore.
Fede and I had spent many afternoons at the lake right after school. I sighted and brushed my hair back. It was a quiet car ride but it wasn't by any means awkward. Fede was just mumbling a song that was being played on the radio and I wondered if I had fallen asleep for a minute, or was I just really tired?
I turned my head to Fede. 'Fede, do you think I will pass my drivers exam next time?'. I asked curious, he probably hoped not. He would shit bricks next to me in a car. He nodded like he didn't even doubt it. 'Of course, you are going to get your license. Jade, I've seen you drive, your good. You just need to keep calm and try not freaking out'.
I kept failing, I failed four times already and it was just getting a little pathetic. Once I missed a pedestrian and after that happening, I was done. She's fine, very happy and alive.
Second time I scratched the tires by scraping the sidewalk, but that wasn't really my fault because another car was coming towards my lane and I was getting scared.
Third time I went too fast on the highway.
Fourth time, I wasn't even talking about.
Fede passed the first time but he had been joy riding since he was twelve. We used to steal the car from Fede's dad while he was passed out on the couch. He's a great driver but that's because he had a lot of practice. Fede is great at a lot of things I suck at. Yes, I could study until my brain got numb. But that was about it. I always felt a little jealous at Fede's social skills for example. Everybody just immediately loved him, he didn't even have to try. With me it always felt like I was trying too hard, it takes me so much energy to be the fun bubbly girl. Maybe the reason I tried pushing Fede so hard in school is because of that. I wasn't very good at a lot of things so I just followed Fede's lead. But in school he could actually use my help for a change. 'Did you have time to study?'. I asked but I knew the answer already. If he would have studied, he would have said it the moment he walked in, expecting a pad on the shoulder for opening a textbook. He shook his head 'No, Rudy needed his car by Tomorrow so I tried fixing it. It's still broken and a piece of crap. It was two o'clock when I went to bed'. I looked at him and shook my head.
I understood it, sort of. He had to make money, so he could support himself and his dad. But this was important too, this was his future. 'It's the most important test of your year. If you need help studying, just ask! I'll make sure you stay focused'. He laughed. 'You would love that don't you? Bossing me around, telling me what to do?'. He grinned and poked me in my waist with one hand. 'Stop that! Just watch the road!'. I pushed his hand of me and nodded. 'But, yes, I would love it. But your too stubborn to accept my help'. He smiled innocent. 'We'll see, don't worry so much about me. You have cheer practice after school, right?'.
I nodded, why? I had no clue, I hated dancing. I was forced by my best friend Tilly. She was crazy about cheerleading. She loved everything about it from the outfits and dances to the attention she got from it. I wasn't the type of person that liked standing in the front of a crowd. Frankly, I expected them to kick me out my first year but I had been cheering for two years now and they still didn't dislike me. That really played with my head. Maybe it was just my insecurities whispering to me.
'I really hate cheering; I'm thinking of quitting'. I admitted. Fede looked at me. 'Why are you doing it if you hate it?'. 'Probably because of Tilly but I dislike everything about it and I don't think the girls like me that much so they probably don't mind it'. Fede looked angry at me. 'Why are you so hard on yourself? Why on earth wouldn't they like you? '. I shrugged my shoulder and looked out of the window so I would avoid eye contact. 'I'm just not like them. They only care about makeup and clothing and I don't care about either of those things. I feel like an alien'. Fede took my hand in his and shook his head. 'Jade, we talked about this before, this is just in your head. I know for a fact that lots of people like you and why shouldn't they like you? You're the kindest girl I know'. I smiled and felt kind of fuzzy from his kindness. 'But if you don't like cheering, you should quit. But don't quit for the wrong reasons. I nodded; he was right. 'I probably finish of this season. By the way, I can take the bus home, so you don't have to wait for me'. He shook his head and laid his hand on his steering wheel again. 'No, I'll stay at school to study. And then I'll drop you off home once you're finished. Your right, maybe I should take this test a little more serious'. That actually made me exited, I just wanted him to succeed. 'Fede that makes me really happy'.
I gave him a very wide smile but then I remembered something that would probably ruin my whole day. 'Shit, I still need to tell Caleb I'm not going with him to homecoming'. Fede nodded. 'You didn't say no already?'. I shook my head. 'I said I think about it, I had to keep my options open and I did get a little startled when he asked me'.
Fede really didn't like him talking to me, I could appreciate a little jealousy but Fede wasn't my boyfriend and he was never jealous. So, this had to do something with Caleb. 'What is your problem, he is your friend, right?'. I said confused. 'Exactly, I don't want to hear him brag about you. Telling everyone how good you are in bed or how you look beneath your clothes. I would kill him if he did that and he would brag, trust me on that, most of them do'. I grinned and tried teasing him a little. 'Do you brag about the girls you sleep with?'. He laughed uncomfortable and nodded slowly. 'Maybe I've been that guy once or twice, but nothing bad or disrespectful. Like you and your girlfriend never gossip about boys. Every time I walked in to you and your friend it gets really silent and awkward. Your probably way worse than me'. 'Yes, I have a lot to brag about after all. Haven't I?'. He laughed hard; the whole car shook from it. 'I'm sorry for laughing'. I was so glad we arrived at school. If he would have teased me a second longer, I would have punched him.

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