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I was a caregiver. I always had been. I took care of people even if they didn't return the favour. It was in my nature. I could never leave someone hurt or in need of help. I loved the feeling it gave me when someone was taken care off.
These last 3 months with Fede had been both wonderful and excruciating. The pain Fede had to endure I could almost feel in my own body. He still hadn't gotten home. And maybe that was for the best. The wounds on his body were so severe that he had to go have surgery a couple of times for skin grafts.
Today, 3 months later, most of his wounds were closed and he would get to see the damage that was left on his body for real. By this point the only thing he saw was the 'minor' burn just beside his brow. It was still extremely red and agitated but it wasn't life changing. He still had his face. What worried him was the stuff still hidden beneath bandages. He told me the thought of people seeing the scars first and them him, would annoy him the most. He always had been a confident guy but he had been so insecure about his appearance for the last three months.
Today we would really see what it will be like for the rest of his life. Of course, the scars will heal more, get a more neutral colour but they were there. They would be a constant reminder for him of what happens to him.
I was just happy the worst pain was over. I never seen anyone let alone my best friend in so much pain. The screams that sometimes filled up his room when painkillers wore off to quickly were hunting. His screams were so loud it made your ears ring and your heart pound from panic. All I could do was just sit there and try calm him down. But it had absolutely no use because the pain had been never ending.
Fede sat in the hospital's cafeteria, he wore a tank top over the bandages but he was still 'mummified'; he called it that way most of the time. The bandages around his face were gone and the wound on the side of his face was healing quite nice. His ear had a little scarring but it was still an ear. It was just his temple and jaw that had been damaged. it looked red and wrinkly; I told him it gave him an edgy vibe.
Fede ate some fries and looked around the hospital cafeteria like he smelled something nasty. 'I fucking hate hospital, all these people look so depressed'. I smiled and reminded him; 'You looked depressed too, don't judge them'. He smiled, took another fry and threw it at my chest. 'Hopefully, I can leave after today and live my life again. One good; I've never done so good in school'. Fede followed school from the revalidation centre and since he had nothing better to do, he decided to focus on school for once. This was his last year before going to college and if he kept his grades up, he would actually succeed and go to college.
He shuffled his tray with food away. 'I can't eat, I'm really fucking nervous'. He admitted, I could tell by all the cursing. Fede cursed when he wasn't feeling right.  'Who wouldn't be? But remember; you're still the most handsome guy in school'.
He smiled and took my hand. 'You're staying right? You can look first; to see how its looks'. I nodded and stood up. 'Have I ever left you alone?'.
Since he was clearly done eating I stood up to go back upstairs. He walked after me and hugged me from behind. 'Do you think I have had the worst thing that will happen to me, happened?'. I didn't follow him. 'What?'. 'Well, lots of bad things will happen to a person. One thing will be the worst. Do you think this is mine?'. No doubt. 'Has to be, if not; that would be really unfair'. He agreed. 'Right? That is kind of comforting to think. That nothing will be as bad as this'. We stepped in to the elevator.

I watched Fede from the mirrors but he wasn't looking at himself. 'Are you scared to look at yourself?'. He looked at me. 'I don't get thrilled about it, no'. I shook my head. 'Just look Feddy; You look okay'. I said.
He slowly looked. First, he just looked quickly and then away from the mirror. But then he took another look and stepped closer to the glass. He looked closely at the burn on his temple. For a second, I thought he lifted his hand up to touch it. Midway he stopped and rested his arm next to his body again. 'It's not so bad, right?'. I asked him carefully. These last three months Fede had been a lot harder for me to read. 'Could have done without it'. He mumbled, not pleased with what he saw. I embraced him by wrapping my arms around him and laying my head against his back. 'You look rough; like a pirate. You always wanted to become one when you were little'. I teased. He desperately moaned but when I looked into the mirror, I saw him smile. 'Your annoyingly positive sometimes'. He told me. I didn't remind him how he used to be like that before his accident.
He turned to me and all of a sudden, I was inches away from Fede's body. I hadn't felt this feeling for a while now. There wasn't time for intimacy it seemed. But I could feel the tension rise. Something about his face warned me. His hands wrapped around my jawline. My breathing stopped as he kissed me. I gasped for air but he didn't stop.
I was a little caught off guard; we were in a hospital elevator for crying out loud.
But Fede didn't seem to care so as the elevator kept going up, he kept kissing me. He kissed me hard and grabbed my body like he wanted every piece of it. Right here and right now. My legs felt weak like spaghetti sticks. He buried his face in to my neck, I felt like I was flying. My balance was just gone and my knees kept trembling by his touch. It didn't matter because Fede lifted off my legs and pressed my back against the wall. 'Feddy, you can't lift me up!'. I said shocked. He shook his head and brushed my worries away. 'Don't worry about it, just kiss me'. He ordered and I did what he told me to do; with pleasure. did I really have to be the caretaker all the time? Or could I just once, do what felt right. Right now, I wanted to kiss Fede so bad. I had wanted this to happen for months now.
It wasn't like that happened all the time now that we had done it a few times. I thought it was because Fede clearly hated how he looked. Maybe he didn't want to be intimate because he couldn't stand to look at himself. The confident guy I knew suddenly was uncomfortable around people he didn't know. He wanted to hide from his own reflection. How could I make him believe that I didn't care about his look?
I kissed his jawline as my arms tangled around his neck. Letting him know I was here and ready for whatever he had planned with me. His tongue in my mouth making it impossible to think about anything else but his touch. We were just here in this moment. Kisses hungry and wild. It was just him and me.
The elevator came to a stop as a bell rang once, letting us know the doors would open.
Fede quickly put me down on the floor and stood up straight. He looked in front of him with a casual look on his face. How did he do that? I leaned against the wall and tried to breath as normally possible before I stood up straight.
An elderly couple shuffled in looking at us with kind smiles. 'Good afternoon'. Fede said like he didn't just attack me with his kisses.
The woman walking behind a stroller smiled amused. It took a while before they got in.
The elevator started to go up again. I noticed how old these people were. It wasn't like I never saw an elderly couple before. But these people must me in their nineties. There faces were so fair and wrinkly and their hair was bright white. Their bodies couldn't stand up straight anymore so they were permanently leaning forward; their backs hollow and looking painfully uncomfortable.
They greeted us back and the woman said; out of nowhere. 'I remember when I was young. boy, I couldn't keep my eyes of him. Let alone my hands'. The man; probably her husband laughed softly. The first few sounds were mixed with slime in his throat he kept coughing up. Then he looked at Fede and nodded in a proud way.
I wondered if I could have love like that. Would I be happy with someone, sixty years from now? Being with someone for that much time made me wonder if it's still possible in this era. 'Lucky man'. Fede said amused. He gave me a look as he took my hand. Why did he take my hand?  It made it seem like I was his girlfriend. My mind didn't hover over these thoughts for too long.
I felt embarrassed by getting caught in our actions. So, I just hid behind Fede; my face pressed against his shoulder and his thumb stroking the skin around my palm.
The elevator did not seem to stop but I wanted to get out. 'What happened to you boy?'. I saw the man look at the bandages on Fede's body. I saw Fede's face turn in to an expressionless mask. This was the first time someone had asked him about it. 'I was burned like a rotisserie chicken'. Fede's voice came out cold and bitter. At that exact moment the elevator bell rang again and Fede hopped out of the elevator. I bit my lip in discomfort as Fede pulled me with him; his hand still in mine. I offered the elderly couple a guilty look but all I could see was shocked faces.
I expected him to be annoyed by the couple but I should know by now that Fede's emotions couldn't be read. 'That was funny, right?'. He said upbeat as he walked to his room with a smile on his face. I was so confused. 'Making people uncomfortable makes you happy? You're a sadistic guy'. He closed the door behind me and nodded with a smiled. He gestured for me to come closer to him. I slowly walked towards him with a grin. Then he wrapped his arm around me again and brushed my hair with his fingers. 'They interrupted our kissing and I don't think we've done anything in 3 months. So, it serves them right'. 'I liked what was happening in the elevator though. I missed kissing you'. I told him when he reminded me of the lack of kissing; he had noticed. Yet he didn't take the first step until now. 'You could have said something if you were horny'. He told me. 'I could have fixed that for you'. I surely didn't need to remind him about the last three months, right? He had been kind of busy. Somehow i figured he would have found a way if I asked.
I laid my hand on his chest. 'Said the guy that attacked me in an elevator'. He looked up, holding back his smile. 'I think I'll explode if I don't have sex in the next twenty-four hours'. I laid my hand on his crotch; his eyes went big. 'I told you; I'll suck you off and swallow out of petty'. He laughed hard as I walked towards his bed and laid down. 'Please don't throw up, baby'. He teased me.
I just loved the place we were in; it was so us. Being friends and having sex wasn't difficult because we never made it complicated.
I gestured for him to come closer. 'I'm horny now'. I urged. He stood up straight and looked at me sitting on his bed. 'Let's do something about that'. He sat down next to me and made his body fall over me. 'Come here'. He growled as his mouth moved from my neck to my chest area.
'When will they do your check-up?'. I asked, so I was sure no one would walk in on us again. 'In about an hour. We got time'. He pulled me on his lap and I softly pulled his hair. His hands squeezed my ass but his eyes were on my face. 'You sure you want to have sex with me like this?'. He asked me. 'I'm sitting on you, what do you think?'. That was all he needed to hear from me. He pulled up my pink dress, his hand wrapping around the linen fabric. I held up my arms as he removed my dress from my body. I sat up as he pushed off his grey sweatpants.
He wasn't wasting any time, now that he knew I was still in to him.
I would have forgotten but thankfully Fede didn't. 'Condom!'. He yelled into the room. His hand pointing at his nightstand. I leaned over and grabbed his wallet. I almost fell from his lap but he grabbed me by my waist. I found a silver package in his leather wallet. He  took it from my hand and laid me down on the bed while he put it on himself.
I slid out of my panties as he got on top of me and pushed himself in to me. His hands pushed in to the bed; beside my head. His thrust was hard and made my body glide upward to the metal headboard. I had to hold on to his body but was careful when i touched him.
He looked like he had been starving. His breath on my face as he moaned aggressively with every thrust. His hand slid underneath my bra; Massaging one of my breasts. I had my eyes closed and moaned softly as his hands treated me nicely.

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