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I didn't really get hangover; not like i did when i was a teen. I had been resentful towards alcohol since my dad abused it so much. So, when i drank when i was younger i got drunk fast. And the hangovers could nag me a whole week. Now, i was a little wobbly the first two hours but after that i was fine. Today, i had a hangover but i was also tired from fighting myself.

I never been in a car that was driven by Jade; i left before she passed her driving test. I had no idea how good she was at driving since she barely drove in Spain; i was a little hesitant. Jade was a chicken without a head sometimes but she offered to drive and i was definitely not offending her driving skills today. Maybe she wanted me to see her driving since i normally drove us around.
She drove pretty decent except for the right wheel scraping the sidewalk; two times already. Thank God it was a rental car and a very solid one too, range rover. Maybe it was just a little too big for her; she could barely see over the steering wheel. 'I haven't seen my dad in real life for years'. She told me; she sounded nervous. 'I'm happy you get to see him; must be nice catching up with him. I bet he missed you a lot'. She nodded and took a really sharp turn. 'Yes, but I'm also really nervous; Is that weird? Or it's just a lot of excitement; I don't know'. She said with a shaky smile. 'He knows you'll be in town, right?'. She looked at me with an amused smile. She didn't tell him, oh boy. 'The man will have a heart attack, Jade'. I laughed and shook my head. 'He'll probably be working'. I Looked at my watch, it wasn't even 3 a clock and we were already in town. 'Can you please not tell him I'm a drunk?'. She looked at me and nodded. 'Trust me, he will be too busy figuring out our dating status'. I looked up at the ceiling. 'Just, tell him we're friends. He believed that before'. I sounded too proud about that. 'You think he didn't know? Fed, my dad knew. He told me you could come live with us if we kept our hand to yourself underneath his roof'. He knew i was sleeping with his daughter? I was so happy I didn't know that back then; I would have been acting so weird around him.
We drove past the road that leads up to the lake. I had so many memories there; I got drunk there a few times, without it ever being a problem for me. The first time i had sex was there too; at night and in the middle of the grass field. I even punched my friend in the face there and broke his nose because he bullied Jade. I still didn't regret that. After my accident he came crawling back; like a tourist, checking how bad i had gotten my karma. Whining about being true friends. I had no time for friends like him, especially back then.

A yawn escaped and I closed my eyes for a moment. 'I'll fall asleep if I'm in this car any longer'. The flight and ride over here were long and i was drained. 'How can you fall asleep fed? Look where we are!'. I open my eyes and smiled at her. 'Just drink a bottle of whiskey and hop on a plane; you'll be tired the rest of your life. I think I'll go check in to my room and have some sleep before i endanger the town. That way you'll have some alone time with your dad'. She looked at me worried; not really keen on letting me out of her view. 'Are you sure? I don't mind you coming with me at all'. I nodded and watched her drive in to the town centre. I stayed in this skanky hotel room; it was the only hotel in town. I really didn't care if i slept in a carton box or a king-size bed in an apartment suite. I pointed at the hotel and Jade stopped in front of it. She looked at me worried. 'Text me if you're not okay, okay? Whatever it is; just text me'. 'I will but I'll be fine. Just enjoy the time with your dad please?'. Jade promised me she would as i got out of the car. 'Are you sleeping at your dads?'. I turned back at her. She looked at me and didn't look to happy about that. 'I want to stay with you; I don't want to sleep alone'. I smiled amused and felt the lines blur already. 'Though we're just friends now?'. She nodded and smiled uncertain. 'I know.'. She didn't want to break her own rules within the first twenty-four hours of making them. 'Jade, you can sleep here. It's fine; I won't try and get in your panties if you don't want me too'. A wide smile appeared on her face. 'Go see your dad now!'. I forced her to go and she eventually did after telling me one last time to be careful.

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