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Jade was in all stages an going mental by the time i drove up to the hospital's emergency entrance. Screaming on top of her lungs and crying in pain. She screamed so loud the nurses actually heard her from inside the building and came rushing out. They pulled the door open and leaned over Jade who was certain this baby was coming, i had been sitting next to her these last fifteen minutes. Let's just say i didn't doubt her. Jade looked at them in terror. 'She's coming!'. She cried as they looked between her legs. Jade had already pushed of her pant in case she couldn't hold it any longer. 'Yes, she is! This baby is in a rush'. They said with comforting voices; like this was normal. 'We're not going to move you miss, what's your name?'. Jade didn't answer and just growled as she felt another contraction. 'Her name is Jade De Luca'. The nurse looked closely at me and smiled like something was worth smiling about when she saw me. 'You're the father of the child sir?'. I nodded as my eyes shifted from her to Jade. The nurse held open Jade's legs as Jade grabbed the headrest of her seat and the dashboard, sweat dripped of her face as she tried keeping this baby in. 'Okay Jade, just push with the next contraction. Your body knows what to do'. Jade looked up at the car's roof and took deep controlled breaths. With the next contraction she pushed like the nurse had told her. She screamed out until i heard the screeching cries of a baby. She had been one push away from delivering. My eyes went big as they pulled a baby from between her legs. That's the weirdest thing i had ever seen. The little pink baby cried hard as they wrapped her up in blankets and pushed their finger in her mouth to make sure she could breathe properly.

Then they immediately took her inside to get her checked while Jade catches her breath hanging out of the car with her legs and her head on the armrest between our seats. I looked at her upside down as she stared at me. She didn't say anything as they got her out of the car on to a stretcher. I ran next to her as she searched for my hand. I grabbed it and kissed it. 'I'm here, Jady'. I told her. 'You did so great, baby'. Jade nodded and smiled, she looked exhausted. There were almost ten nurses around us and Jade just flapped out. 'What the fuck did i just do? Where is my child?'. She said it like the minutes before she had been out of it and now came back to reality. She started to look around for our child. 'Breathe Jade, they took her inside'. She inhaled as we got through the entrance ourselves. 'I want to see her, Fede'. She emotionally complained.
People in the waiting room were looking at us like we were the biggest attraction of the day. Of course, i understood. She just delivered our baby on the parking lot hanging out of our car. Jade didn't even notice and kept looking around to find her child. They were checking her on one of the waiting seats and carried her towards us as soon as we came in. They placed her on her chest with a big smile. 'Congratulations with your beautiful daughter'. Jade wrapped her arms around her like a force field and started to bawl her eyes out from happiness.
I could see the little eyes on her, already open and really green. It just hit me that i was a dad when i saw the resembles on her face. The black wet hair and the round cheeks. She looked like me.
They stopped rolling Jade away on the stretcher and just gave us this little moment of looking at her. I had just fallen in love for the second time in my life. 'What about an Italian name?'. Jade said whispering to me. 'Do you like Chiara?'. She asked me. Like i would say no after she pushed a baby out. I kissed Jade softly on her forehead to let her now i loved it. 'Welcome to the world Chiara'. I whispered to my daughter. Jade smiled and looked at me. 'You will be the greatest dad, Federico'. I grinned amused by her humour in this kind of intense moment. 'Thank you, baby, but please don't call me that. You calling me Feddy has been enough torture from my friends'. She smiled and closed her eyes. 'We'll take you to your room now miss'. One of the midwives said as i stood up straight and walked after them.
The midwives changed Jade's clothing and laid her into bed. She also needed stitches down there and Jade was not happy about it, at all. Eventually she did let it go.
She was nursing Chiara who slept peacefully on her chest; wrapped up in white sheets with a cute hat on her little head. 'She's so cute!'. The midwife said just before she was about to leave. She looked at me, she was the same woman who had smiled at me while i was still in the car. Moments before Jade delivered the baby. 'You probably don't know this. But i was one of the nurses when you were admitted to the hospital yourself mister Jones. I remember you two clear as day'. I looked at Jade, wondering if she recognized her. The only thing I remembered was the pain. 'That's so bizarre'. Jade said surprised; still couldn't tell if she recognized her. 'I remember the nurses talking about you two; they thought you two were so cute. It's nice you two got together!'. Jade giggled and nodded. 'Took us a while, but we're there now'. I laughed softly and nodded. 'I can't remember you, I'm sorry. That moment in my life is a bit blurry. I probably was very rude to you, i wasn't nice to anyone'. She laughed hard. 'You were so difficult, lord!'. She thought it was funny. 'You wouldn't eat, you didn't sleep and you didn't talk. Only when you did talk, we wished you had stayed silent. You had a mouth on you! But it's okay. I just tough it was very nice to see you after all these years. You seem very mature and kind and that's nice to see'. The nurse wrote down some information on the notepad hanging at the end of Jade's bed. 'I'll leave you two by yourself now. Just press the button if you need a nurse or doctor dears. I thanked her. She quietly closed the door and then it was just the two of us plus this tiny baby. 'You haven't had a chance to hold her'. Jade pointed out. 'Kind of scared to hold her'. I hadn't ever held a baby in my life. 'Come here, it's not scary babe'. She said as she sat up straight. 'Careful, you're hanging on to stitches down there'. She ignored me as i sat down next to her.

And then she was in my arms.

This almost weightless tiny piece of life in my arms. 'Kind of weird idea that she's our child, right?'. Jade laughed and nodded in agreement as i walked back to the chair.
I could hear her make little noises in my arms, she was bubbling milk and it was freaking adorable. 'I think she's milk drunk'. I joked. 'Does mommy have the good stuff?'. Jade smiled amused. 'She looks so much like you, have you noticed?'. 'Because she is barely born and already drunk?'. Jade looked surprised. It was a joke! 'No, she has your eyes Feddy!'. I nodded and placed a little kiss on her head. 'I love you so much cutie'. I whispered as i held her to my chest. 'Nobody knows you've had the baby. Not even your dad'. She nodded. 'He's going to freak out'. 'Can't be as bad as when you told him you were pregnant. The man is going to have a heart attack at some point and it will be our fault'. She laughed. 'Can you call him?'. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket. 'I'll send him a picture, he'll call immediately'. This was fun. And i was right. He called within the minute. 'Fede? Is that my grandchild?'. He said holding back emotions. 'No i just found this one. She's very cute though'. i teased. He just wept. 'I'm a grandfather!'. He yelled through the bakery, i figured since he had been there this morning. 'Yes, congratulations granddad. You need to come meets her!'.

I didn't have to ask him twice. In under twenty minutes he walked into the room. Chiara on Jade's chest; skin to skin as i laid next to her. Cuddling up to both my girls now. God what a great feeling.
Jade's dad carefully peaked through the door and smiled. 'Hi dad'. Jade was tired and still a little out of it but she wanted to see her dad. 'Hey sweety, congratulations to both of you'. He smiled and kissed Jade on her cheek. 'Thank you, dad,'. He smiled and looked at me. 'Come here boy'. He grabbed my face and kissed my cheek as well; i laughed and wiped my face. Jade laughed softly. 'How are my daughter and grandchild doing?'. Jade nodded and smiled but didn't answer, she looked a little woozy. 'She's really tired but she's did amazing. And your granddaughter is awesome; you want to know her name?'. He held his breath and nodded. 'Chiara'. I told him. Her dad looked proud. 'Oh, che bello'. Jade smiled and looked at me. 'Can you get her, so my dad can hold her?'. I nodded and looked at Chiara sleeping on her chest. 'Okay'. I slowly lifted her off, scared i was going to somehow break her. 'I remember how scared i was to hold Jade, she was so tiny; like a little doll. You get used to it in a beat Fede'. I smiled and laid her down in his arms when he sat down on the chair.
He was a natural and had clearly done this before. 'Hello, little peanut!'. He smiled and looked at both of us. 'You don't know how happy it makes me that she gets to grow up here; with family and friend'. Jade smiled and nodded. 'In a few years she will be sitting at our table in the bakery, eating your pastries dad'. He started to cry and i bursted out in laughter. 'Don't say that, it's too much!' He cried from happiness, i guess. 'You're such a softy'. I teased as i laid a hand on his shoulder. 'Didn't you cry?'. I shook my head. 'I think i might still cry but i was a little busy with Jade giving birth to Chiara at the parking lot'. I had already told him this but he still shook his head in disbelief.

Jade's dad figured she was exhausted and needed her sleep so he didn't stay to long. After that we stayed for one more day. Since the birth of Chiara happened so fast, they wanted her to stay the night.
Once we got home it all felt real. Suddenly our days were just bottles and diapers. Waking up multiple times a night to feed her and getting puked on. I loved it all. Something about her made me so incredibly joyful. She was perfect in every way imaginable. I wished she would stay this little forever but for now i tried to inhale every piece of love i was getting. As i looked at her i felt so much; more than i had ever felt before. I had this enormous need to keep her safe and happy. With that came a lot of questions too and so my mind wandered to just one question all the time. How could my father have hurt me? I couldn't imagine hurting her. I couldn't even imagine being mad at her. I kept hanging around with these thoughts as i felt the urge to find closure or some sort of it. There was one more thing i needed to do so i could close a chapter i should have closed a long time ago. 

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