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Life was so good to me lately.

As I woke up next to Fede I remembered our deal; Friends and no relationships. Fine, I didn't need a relationship. What I did need was more sex, with him. Would he be up for that or was this a one time thing?
Fede was sort of awake. His face was pressed like a burrito against the pillow but one I was open, staring at me. He looked like half his brain was still asleep, it probably was. 'Was this a one time thing?'. Was the first thing I asked him. Maybe I shouldn't start this conversation right away the moment he opened his eyes. But he should know by now that I didn't possess a filter. 'Good morning to you too'. He complained. I nodded impatient. 'Yeah, yeah. Good morning to you Fede. But was it a one time thing?'. He shrugged and brushed a hand over his face to wake himself up. 'Do you want it to be a regular thing?'. I was surprised when he asked me. Of course, I knew I had a choice whether I wanted it or not. But I had been so focussed thinking about what he wanted. It wasn't like I had men waiting in line on my doorstep. 'I liked last night a lot. Would be a waste to not do it just because we 'shouldn't'. He rolled on his back and looked up at the ceiling, nodding in agreement.
I crawled towards him, half up on his chest so he would look at me. He lifted his hand and pressed my nose like it was a doorbell with his finger, it made me laugh. 'You always get your way, right?'. He asked me. I nodded because it was true. I could be very persuasive if I wanted to be. 'Most of the time'. I tried sounding less cocky about. 'I had fun last night as well. But friends first, alright?'. I nodded pleased with his response. 'Do we need rules?'. 'Rules? Let's just go with it how it comes, okay?'. He told me with a grin. 'For instance, I'm quite horny in the mornings'. I bit my lower lip and laughed. 'Feddy!'. He playfully turned me on my back and smiled as he pulled of my panties. Lifting up my legs. His lips placing kisses on my legs. My underwear was off, thrown somewhere behind us.
He looked a little bumped when he said; 'wait. I don't have a condom. Not in here'. Okay, that was indeed too bad. I hadn't one either. Maybe I should from now on?
I sat up straight like it was over and shrugged. 'Where do you think You're going?'. He said, he still looked naughty. He pushed gently on my back again, I giggled. 'You said we don't have a condom?'. I really didn't follow. He kissed my cheek and laughed softly. 'We can still have fun though. Sex is more than me in you. Lot's more to discover'. And I was ready to discover it all. His hand on my knees tried to pushed open my legs.
I wasn't uncomfortable with him, not at all. But my whole life I had nervously covered every private part I possessed. Like people and especially woman did. I wasn't ashamed of how I looked but I wasn't used to anyone seeing me like this either. Last night the room had been mostly dark, beside the nice orange lights of the lamp. Right now, nothing was left to the imagination.
But I wanted this though. I wanted it so badly. So, when he said; 'Spread your legs' I listened to him. I don't know what I expected. He wasn't going to scream in terror when he saw me between my legs. But there was no reaction. Neither good nor bad. Like it wasn't that big of a deal and there being no reaction made it kind of okay.
He went down like last night, his tongue pushing against me. I was still relaxed from the sleep I had gotten so my body just felt at ease. Different from the night before where my body was full of adrenaline. It was peaceful up here. The sheets under my body were soft and smelled fresh in the dusty shed. I felt warm, nothing like last night where the shed had gotten chilly even when the heater was blowing warm wind.
I enjoyed myself so much right now. I released a soft mumble or more a moan. It wasn't something I thought about. It just came out as my muscles tried to relax and tense at the same time. I whimpered as I closed my eyes. My hands went through his curls. Soft loopy curls than never seem to have knots in them. Shiny and beautiful without Fede giving them to much thought. Now I knew that he really didn't have to do much to look good. Yes, he had bedhead. The curls less controlled and falling over his forehead. But he somehow looked even hotter now. I grabbed a handful off them and urged him to keep going. 'Don't stop!'. I moaned. He squeezed my hips to let me know he heard. And he wasn't stopping until I came for him.
Tilly said boys didn't like going down on girls but always want to receive. I hadn't done anything to Fede and he kept going down on me like it was nobody's' business. He hadn't asked anything from me. I wondered if he would ask me at some point but That didn't seem like a Fede thing to do. Maybe I would offer.
I liked Fede in a whole different way. Yes, he was my friend and I always found him handsome. But had thought he was pretty without a thought more of it. It was exactly in the same way I told Inola her skirt was nice or Inola's hair looked gorgeous in a braid. But I desired him at this point. I hungered for his touch.
I thought of the boring summer days where we had nothing to do but bake in the sun, until our skin was burning. We could have done this!
As his grip tightened around my body, I just couldn't think of anything better than this. His tongued licked and his fingers pounded in me. I knew my orgasm was close. He just understood what my body craved. My voice got stuck in my throat as my muscles tightened. While orgasming I nervously pushed him off me. The tough of him touching me there was too much. I had never felt this sensitive down there. I squeezed my legs together as I still was trembling. My body hot and sweaty. Shivering from the sensation I felt pulsing through my body. The insides of my legs warm and damp. I moaned again as my orgasm seemed to continue without slowing down. My body curled up as I rolled to my side. Eyes still closed as I pulled up in to a little ball of extreme feelings. Too big to hold so now slowly escaping my body.
Once I felt back on planet earth again, I opened my eyes and slowly rolled on my back. I lifted myself up on my elbows and looked at him. His gaze was already on me. He looked almost astounded by the orgasm I had. I must admit it had felt different than last night. Last night the sensation felt powerful enough to make me aware I had my first orgasm, ever. But this was something else. The concentrated explosion made my whole body linger from it. It took longer to a point I almost panicked, thinking how long this would last. But when it ended, I felt bummed. I truly couldn't think of a better feeling than orgasming.
His gaze was still on me. He had laid down on his stomach between my legs. A position both weird and cosy at the same time. His fingers circling around my belly button. 'Don't you think it's gross, going down on me?'. I finally just asked. Only when I talked, I noticed how weird my own voice sounded. Like I had cried a very long time, only I didn't. Or maybe my voice would sound like that after a long run but I didn't ever run far enough to know.
One good thing about not being romantic with Fede? I didn't have to be romantic. Fede laughed and ducked down to sticked out his tongue and lick me between my legs. My body almost went in to a mild seizure when he did that. 'Your tasty'. He said as he laid back down on my lower body. I smacked his hand. 'You're a weird boy!'. He shook his head. 'Your weird, I just love sex'. He got away from me and my legs as he lifted himself of and rolled down beside me.
I looked down on him, he was wearing his boxers but I could see he was stiff as a pole. 'I can do you too'. He casually nodded. 'Great'. I shook my head. 'But I don't know how?'. He smiled, a sweet smile he could give people to reassure them. He mostly loaned me that smile.
He shrugged like it couldn't be explained. I knew exactly what I liked down there and he had known too. I didn't buy his responds. Maybe he didn't want the bar too high for me? 'Just don't scrape my dick with your teeth'. I laughed and nodded; my voice was trembling with nerves. 'Good tip, Anything else?'. 'I'm not that difficult to please, Jady'. He said as he sat down on his bum. 'But you will tell me if I'm bad?'.  He looked incredibly amused as he started to pull on my shirt, urging me to take it off. 'No, I'll just look at your tits and enjoy myself anyways'. I busted out in laughter. 'You can't make me laugh before I'll suck your dick! And you do need to be honest with me if you don't like it'. He pressed his lips tightly together to hold back his laugh. 'You're so stinking cute when you feel awkward. Just do your thing it's not rocket science'.
I nodded and took of my shirt; I was completely naked now. His hand touched my warm skin. 'I love your boobies'. He massaged them softly as I sat on my legs, between his knees. 'Thank you'. I grinned as he softly squeezed them. 'You're making me horny; I should be making you horny'. I whispered. His eyes on my breast. 'Oh, I'm horny don't worry about that'. I stopped him anyway and climbed down to his crotch.

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