Chapter 3: The benevolent skinbag

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This chapter is Revenant PoV

"Hello? Are you... alive?"

What a stupid question to ask ! You share the same stupidity level than Pathfinder. Only him can see a corpse moving and keep asking if that person is alive.

The fact i can't answer to this skinbag irritate me even more. She sounds pretty dumb and i'm quite sure she'll just go off if i don't give her more sign of life.


What is she doing by the way ? Don't tell me she is ACTUALLY waiting for an answer ?!


Ahh screw it ! Apparently i need to do all the work myself.

I focus all of my energy in order to make my neck move in a big jolt. Well, i wanted it to be a big jolt but i just got a tremor, strong enough to bump my head into something, but still a tremor.

"Aaahhh !! What a jumpscare"

Heh... even in this poor state i can still spook people. Ok girlie, tell me you understood and you will do something now.

"Hello... mister. My name is (Y/n). I will bring you back to my place to heal you properly. Just trust me ok?"

I don't care of your name, skinbag ! Just do something !

Wait, did she said "heal"? Urgh... i guess it wasn't obvious enough that the best move to do when you meet someone agonizing on the floor is to end their suffering by snapping their neck or putting a bullet right between the eyes.

I hope she will fix my voicebox first, so i can yell at her how bad of a savior she is and tell her to just END me.

I hear her moving metallic objects all around me. I think she is picking up my limbs.

It took her a bit of time, but she finally grabbed me and put me...
Well, i'm not sure where i am exactly. I know i'm suspended somehow. I can feel straps around me and i think i can feel... her, in my back. Maybe she just attached me against her to carry me around.

Well, that skingbag is less stupid than i thought, at least. She is just slow in the thinking process.

"We" are getting down the building by the stairs while she is calling someone.


"Hey Dad ! Can you pick me up at the adress i gave you earlier ? Can you also bring Mym with you?"

Dad ?! Like it wasn't already embarassing enough, you're bringing someone else to the party ?

I'm gonna make you pay for this humiliation Loba. That's just one more point in your suffering debt you have with me.


We stayed out of the building few minutes before her father came to pick us up. She stayed silent while waiting but once in the car...

"What happend (Y/n) ? Are you injured ?"

That's the voice of her father, noted.

"I'm ok paps, it's not me that need help but him."

"What the hell happend to him ? Is he even alive ?" His voice is actually shocked.

Am i this badly injured?

"Yes he is. He can't talk due to the damages but he was able to move his head as a sign. Also, where is Myriam ?"

"She was in a middle of a consultation. She'll join us at your place in an hour or two. I suppose you want to fix him up, since you asked her for help."

So, apparently, there is this "Myriam" that is able to repair bots and sim. Noted...

They kept talking for some minutes about my condition and what they would have to do. I prefered to rest for a moment and zoned out while they were jabbering.

Then, they both got silent and (Y/n) starts to touch my face.

She smoothly grabs my chin and raises my head up with one hand while checking my throat's wound with the other one.

So she plans on recovering my voice first in order to communicate with me. Good.

After focusing on her hands and the way she manipulates me, i can tell she is very carefull and means to not harm me more than i already am.

She next let her fingers run around my optics and were my ears should be for a minute or two and speaks to her father again.

"It will take a bit of time to repair his voicebox but nothing is to badly broken or missing, so we won't need to buy anything. I also checked his eyes and ears. One eye will need to be replaced but the other will be very easy to heal. And ears are good, no need to do anything."

Don't do that skinbag, you don't need to buy stuff for someone that will just suicide after, once again. It's just a waste of time and money.

"So he does hear us. Well, sorry for all the stress and confusion this whole situation might be to you, sir, but we promise we won't hurt or abandon you. We're here to help. It will take time but at the end, you'll be as good as before. Just be patient and trustfull." The man tries to have the most kind and comforting voice he could have. It is quite soothing.

Stressfull? Not really, i've endured worse. Confusing? Maybe a little. Unnerving is the word i would have choose. I can't wait to be able to talk again and get you as irritated as i am. Maybe you'll understand why your daughter should have killed me instead of "saving" me.


The car stops after few more minutes and i feel the girl carrying me again, attached to her chest.

We take an elevator but i can't tell which floor we are at. Then she unlocks the door to her appartement, walks a bit, grabs something that sounds like a plastic tarpaulin, walks a bit more and shakes the plastic sheet twice. Then she proceeds to unstrap me and lay me down on a bed with that crinkling cloth on top of it.

While the girl is talking to me, i can hear her father moving around and handling different tools.

"I'll start working on your throat injure as much as i can before my sister comes to help. I'm very sorry to say, but i don't have any simulacrum anesthesic here. She'll bring some with her but for now, we have to do without them. I'll do my best to avoid you too much pain, i promise."

You promise to much girlie. How can i trust someone that will swear about anything in order to have my sympathy?

I can hear that she is putting on some medical gloves. That sound is way too easy to identify. Now, I feel her leaning over me, her breath would defenitly brush my face if she wasn't wearing a mask.

"Ok, let's start."


Thank you for reading y'all !

I hope you enjoyed our blind simulacrum trying to apprehend his new environement and the people that surround him.

Just need one more chapter and we'll go back on regular writing style and more dialogues, i promise.

Have a wonderful day and stay safe.

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