Chapter 22 : Attachment

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This chapter is Reader PoV

We both get out of Wallace's palace and rush into the street, trying not to be late.

Once there, Revenant takes off my wallet and forbids me to pay, saying that 'he already has enough debts toward me and can't afford more favors'.
We find a good spot to sit, not too far nor close from the screen, a bit out of the center, with nobody on the next two sits on each side. As expected, this movie is kind of 'niche' and would attract a bunch of fans but ain't getting full rooms, even on its release day.

As soon as the light goes off, Revenant takes his goggles off, revealing his orange gleaming optics. But no one will notice it as the movie starts and catches the public's attention.

We both get surprised at how good the movie turned out. They sticked to the book but took some creative choices that make the plot even deeper and kept the horror on the second layer to put up the ambiance without breaking the story. We call out some mistakes or weird acting here and there, but overall, the movie is very enjoyable.

Talking about creative choices, they took one on the creature's design, which caught us off guard. In the book, it's only described as a shadowy silhouette that makes a pulsating sound but in the movie, they gave it eyes. Orange glowing eyes...

We quietly laugh at the coincidence but when the girl in front of us stands up to use the bathrooms, she crosses Caleb's eyes in the dark and screams like a banshee as she runs out. We guffaw hysterically until security politely asks us to 'turn it off or leave'.

Revenant puts his goggles back to avoid another incident and we remain calm until the end.

After the credits, we get outside and wander in town, chattering about the movie and the poor girl we scared. Then, our conversation topics slowly focus on us and our lives :

"Now I am thinking about it. You work as a fashion designer for a luxury shop..."


"Your sis created a profitable clinic and your bro is a great hacker..."


"And your father's a private detective with a lot of demand..."


"Why are you living in such a small and lowly apartment when you could have gotten three villas in a wealthy district, eight fancy cars, two boats, one private jet, and your own island for vacation?!"

Damn, that's specific!

"I've... never considered all of those. You're right, I could have all of them if I wanted but I'm not comfortable with the wealthy lifestyle. We've started poor and humble in my family and I think it's part of our identity now."

"Are you implying that they also live like they have less than a hundred bucks on their account too?"

"Yeah, and my father is the worst in that case."

"But what are you doing with all that money you don't use?"

"Depends. We save a bit, give often to charity or we make pricy gifts for friends."

"But nothing for you?"

"Well, we don't live into luxury but we do buy things that cost a bit every once in a while, plus we never care about pricetags when doing grocery or shopping. We just buy what pleases us but it looks like we mostly seek humble stuff."

He lets a deep sigh of annoyance rasps through his voice box and says nothing more.

"What would you do with all that money?"

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