ErwinxReader ~Replacement~

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Modern AU


Note: The cat in this fic has brought out the realizations of your relationship problems and helped you address them. Thank this cat. Satan has thrown him up from Hell for you. Pray to King Satan for this cat.


The sweet yet salty scent of your favorite kind of soup, beef stew, wafts from the kitchen into your nose.
What a beautiful scent, you think.

But then it hits you, how could you be smelling your favorite scent when no one else is home? You sure wouldn't get your lazy ass off the couch to get yourself a measly meal.

Maybe Hanji snuck in again. But she wouldn't be making it either. Levi? No...he's not nice enough to come over voluntarily and make you something.

Instead of continuing to guess who is in your home, you decide to get up and go see for yourself. It's a struggle, though. The virus that has been going around for weeks causes you to feel all achey everywhere. From the inside out. So it takes you about a full 5 minutes to make your body stand and put one foot in front of the other.

You peek around the corner to see a large, well-built man facing away from you. He seems to be making something at the stove. His hair is blonde. Mike?

You creep further around the corner and begin to walk up to the man.

Could it be..?


His head whips around.

"{Your Name}!"

He brings you in a warm embrace, picking you up in the process. "{Your Name}! I missed you!"

You giggle. "I missed you too, sweetheart."

Erwin had been gone on a business trip for about a week. You know it's not that long. Yes, you missed him, but it was only a week. Only to you, at least. To Erwin, it was a year. He was so attached to you and loved you so much, he was just a big sweetheart. You didn't mind, of course. Even if he is clingy at times.

He sets you down and watches you sniffle. "Are you still sick, honey?"

You nod, sniffling again. "Mmhm. And I'd love it if you'd make me some beef stew," you look up and give him a big smile.

He laughs. "Homemade?" "Homemade."

"We're going to have to go out and get some ingredients then," he informs, slipping on his jacket and scarf again.

You nod and slip on yours as well. He takes his scarf off and drapes it over your neck. "Don't want you catching anything serious," he smiles as he tightens it around you.

You roll your eyes and head out the door.


"So what do we all need?"

"Uh, let's see..carrots, celery, beef, stock..."

You look at the road ahead, watching all of the houses zip by. You see a couple of homeless people and feel bad. But you've always tried to tell yourself that the reason why most of them are homeless is because of themselves.

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