Chapter 3

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~ Two months later 2am ~

Pov Skylar

This is the life! I love it here! The only thing i don't really like is that there aren't ANY girls in my neighbourhood. That just sucks balls. But i've ggot the best friends ever. None of them remind me of Calum tho.. While the days past by i met Louis, Zayn, Ashton, Niall and Liam. We're all good friends but my best friends are Luke and Harry.

-Phone Goes Off-

"Who the hell is texting me at this time." i said out loud. I took my phone from under my pillow and looked at the screen. It's Luke.

AwkwardPenguin: Hey babe you awake?

SkyHigh: Yeah couldn't sleep hbu?

AwkwardPenguin: Can't sleep either. To much is on my mind.

SkyHigh: Like what..?

AwkwardPenguin: Well. Idk. You i guess. I mean..

SkyHigh: Your thinking about me..? :)

"He's thinking about me." i said out loud couldn't be happier.

AwkwardPenguin: Yeah.. Sorry.. I just. I mean did you know how bad i wanted to kiss you when we first met.

SkyHigh: Luke you pinned me to the door remember!

-Incomming Call Unknown-

"Who could be calling me at 3am" i whispered but i awnsered anyway.
Skylar: "Hi this Skylar who am i speaking two?"

Unknown: "I know who you are love you don't need to tell me."

Skylar: "Oh ok. That's weird. But who are YOU?"

Unknown: "You'll find out soon enough babe."

Skylar: "Luke is this you because if it is you should stop it's not funny ok."

Unknown: "So you know Luke he didn't tell me the bastard."

Skylar: "Listen it's past 3 a fucking m can you can call me again tomorrow because i'm not in the mood now. I don't even know w-"

Unknown: "Ok now listen up babe tell your Lukey he shouldn't have kept you a secret!"

-Beep Beep Beep-

"Ok well that was weird.."

AwkwardPenguin: Hellooooo Sky? Are you thereeeee????

SkyHigh: Luke..

AwkwardPenguin: Yeahhhhhhh?? :)

SkyHigh: What are you keeping from me..?
SkyHigh: I can see you read it. Why aren't you awnsering!?
Read 3:55am

Pov Luke

Nonono are you shitting me. It can't be. How does he know..

I'm such a shitty writer god. I promise i will get better. And what would you guys do if someone called at 3am. And what is Luke hidding.
Love CC

How Could He? - C.H. [AU/Completed]Where stories live. Discover now