Human Magic: The Sequel

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"Okay, mamá! Take 2 of human magic. This time, with my girlfriend, Amity as a supporting participant!"

"Okay, Luz! I'm ready."

"Okay," Luz shuffles her deck of cards, side glancing a confused Lilith, Eda, and King. "Pick a card, any card at all!"

"Luz, that didn't work before. Why would it now?"

"Because Amity doesn't ask questions! Now. I understand that I am horrible at card tricks, but I know this one really well, so I know it works. Amity will demonstrate."

"Yes. So, I am picking a card. Hm... what card should I pick, ms Noceda?" Amity turned to the camera, as if awaiting a response.

"Psh... Amity, she... can't hear you."

"Oh! Oh, okay. Uh, this one."

Amity picked a card at random, looking at it and smiling.

"What is it?!" King asked in a loud voice.

"I can't say. That's not part of the trick."

"I don't understand humans," Lilith sighed.

"You and me both." Eda nudged Lilith, earning a flinch.

Amity put the card back, crossing her legs.

"Why did you put the card back?" Eda asked, shocked.

"Yeah, she's gonna cheat!" King shouted.

"No she won't. That's how the trick works."

Luz was beaming by now, excited that someone had followed her instructions.

"Yes! Thank you, Amity," Luz shuffled the deck once more, being sure everyone could see that she wasn't cheating. "Amity... Is, THIS, your card?"

Amity gasped and clapped, genuine shock piercing her veins.

"Yes! That IS my card!"

Luz nearly screamed with happiness, bouncing in her seat.

"Yes! You go, Luz." Luz encouraged herself, her confidence boosting.

"I am very impressed."

The other three gasped as well.

"That was human magic?!" Eda asked, surprised.

"That was amazing!" King added.

"Wow, humans really do know magic!" Lilith said, clapping.

"Hoot! I won't believe it until you show me MORE magic!" Hooty added, bumping in out of no where.

"Well, I can demonstrate the same trick on you guys again."

"Oh yes! As the king of demons, I volunteer."

"Okay, King," Luz shuffled the deck again. "Pick a card!"


King grabbed a card, looking at it.

"Can I show Eda and Lilith?"

"Sure. Just remember-"

"I know! Don't tell or show you. I got this."

King showed the card to Eda and Lilith, who watched with great interest.

The three nodded in unison, and King put the card back.

Luz shuffled, and then pulled a card out.

"Is this your card?"

Eda pointed. "THAT WAS HIS CARD! IT WAS!"

They all started to clap, and Luz, well, Luz felt like a star.

"Hoot! Impressive!"

"Do humans know any other magic?" Lilith asked curiously.

Luz thought. "We do! Um... i'm bad at card tricks, but I do know some other types."

"Do it! Do it, Luz!"

"Okay, let me think," Luz thought for a moment. "I got it. Come on, guys."


Luz held two cups in front of her.

"Okay. So, this cup is empty," Luz held out her right hand, showing a blue cup. "And this one is full of water." Luz then held out her left hand, presenting a red cup.

"Okay," Amity nodded behind the camera.

"I'm going to dump this full cup of water, into this empty one. And then, this water, will turn into ice."

"Ooh. I have to see this." Lilith said, clapping.

Luz proceeded to dump the full cup of water into the empty one. She threw the once full red cup of water to the ground, and slightly shook the blue one.

Then, she tipped the cup over, and into her hands fell exactly 8 pieces of ice.

Everyone started to cheer, and Luz nodded excitedly. "Okay, how about another one?"

"Yes, oh, yes!" King screeched.

"Okay. How is this for magic?" Luz fiddled with her fingers, before making the illusion of taking her thumb off.


"PUT IT BACK ON! AH, PUT IT BACK ON!" King covered his eyes.

"Now you're getting the hang of it, kid! Just wait till you learn to take your entire arm off!"

"Edalyn, what in the Titan?!"

Luz turned to the camera and winked.

"And that's how a Noceda does that!"

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