Fearing The Unknown

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Luz ran as fast as her feet could carry her. Her heart pounded against her chest, and sweat beads flew off of her forehead as quickly as it appeared.

She wanted to turn around: to see if it was still there... but it would only slow her down. So, instead, she kept running. She kept running until it felt like to was about to pass out.

And then, only then, did she finally stop. She ducked behind a tree, back against the bark. She used both hands to cover her mouth so her breathing wouldn't be heard.

Luz carefully peaked from her hiding spot, to see nothing there.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Luz let her head fall against the mossy bark. Her eyes gazed up at the moon and the stars. Although this was the Boiling Isles, the sky was still so pretty, and much like back at home. It reminded her that she had people who loved her.

Then, a twig cracked behind her. She could see a large shadow looming over her. Not even giving it a second though, Luz pushed herself up off the ground, and started running again. She yelled in frustration.

"Agh! Why hadn't I brought my Glyphs?! You're stupid, Luz!"

As the large mammal like creature closed in on Luz, she became more desperate. If she had learnt anything from her time on the Boiling Isles, it was that you can't trust anything or anyone. Nothing is as it seems here.

The creature made a loud growling like noise. It gurgled an unholy sound, sending shivers down Luz's spine. It was getting closer...



Then, Luz knew she was at an advantage. These were her stomping grounds. She knew this area better than she knew herself. She was getting closer the The Owl House. Closer to home.

Luz reached for anything to ground her, anything at all, but to no avail.

Then that's when she realized, she needed to have reason. So, she took a couple of lefts, and a couple of rights, and then...


Luz tripped on an overgrown root. She fell face first into the soil.

The creature was on her trail. She backed up backwards, paying no mind to what was behind her.

She backed up, and backed up, and...

Her hand slipped as a loose rock fell off the cliff side just behind her. She narrowed her eyes as to adjust them to her surroundings. What she could see, was a big pink tree from Grom night.

And a cliff just behind her, overlooking a beautiful glimmering body of water. The moon shone over it, making the water twinkle in the light. Luz would have been mesmerized hadn't she been afraid of what was coming.

So she closed her eyes tight and prayed that Eda would come to her rescue. She always had before.

But of course, when Luz actually needs help, Eda is nowhere to be seen.

Probably off scamming someone or something. Typical Eda things.

Luz subconsciously held her breath, awaiting her fate. She clasped her hands over her ears and held her knees close to her chest. She didn't want to see, hear, or even breathe knowing that thing - whatever it may be - is close.

Then, a chirp. Just barely audible with Luz's hands over her ears. She slowly opened her eyes and released her breath.

And at her feet, was a small otter with it's front paw on her leg. It was nudging her shoe gently.

"Awww," Luz started, leaning over and picking the small creature up. "Hey there ya sweet little candy corn. Were you the one following me?"

The otter chirped again, nuzzling Luz's nose. "Aw. I was all scared for nothing, huh?"


"Let's go back to the Owl House, okay? I'll talk to Viney in the morning. She always knows where you wildlife belong." Luz put the otter on her shoulder and stood up, brushing herself off.

And thus, the otter gave a sinister smile and a wink, because otters, well, otters have a dark side.

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