Ripped At Every Edge (p1)

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➽───────────────❥TW: BLOOD, GORE

"Dang, girl, you've been practicing!" Luz panted, running alongside Lilith.

"You may admire my progress when we get out of here alive!"

When they were sure they were in the clear, they all stopped running to catch their breath.

Suddenly, a loud bang erupted in their ears, as a figure broke in. Bottles of Elixir break upon impact with the ground, glass shattering and flying about.

Lilith tilted her head and recognized her sister. She ran ran forward a bit to warn her sister of creature pursing chase.

Luz tightly gripped King, his small body shivering in fear against her embrace.

"Luz, look out!" Eda yelled, trying to rush over to Luz. But, alas, Luz was too far away, and without magic, it was pointless.

Luz turned around to see the creature looming over her. It pounced and knocked her to the ground, sending King flying out of her arms.

The creature ripped at Luz's left hand, which was the one trying to hold it off. Luz stifled back screams as the razor blade like teeth shredded her flesh. King screamed in terror.

"Get off of her!"

The creature perked it's head up and obeyed it's command, but not before using it's strong jaws to throw Luz outside.

When Luz hit the ground, she started to freak out. She crawled backwards, moving away from the scene, sobbing uncontrollably. Eda ran to her aid and knelt down to Luz, who was hyperventilating as she stared at her hand. Her left hand had basically been devoured. All that was left was her thumb, index finger, and middle finger. The creature had taken her ring finger and her pinkie finger, as well as a chunk of flesh.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh..."

"Hold on, kiddo. It'll be okay. It'll be okay. I promise."

Luz allowed herself to fall back against Eda, as Lilith got to work. She wripped a piece of her skirt and wrapped it around her hand temporarily to stop the bleeding. Eda combed through Luz's hair, trying to calm the hysterical girl. King sat on Luz's stomach, terror in his eyes.

"What the hell was that?!" Luz asked, letting out a sob of pain.

"I don't know, but... Whatever it was, it had to have been guarding something."

"Luz, I'm so, so sorry! I shouldn't have brought you here!"

Luz was unable to answer as she continued to cry in pain, her hand throbbing.

"King, whatever that was, it obeyed you." Lilith commented.

Luz gasped for air at this point, but still, attempted to answer. "We should... need! To go back in!" Luz panted.

Everyone shared a glance.

"You're hurt, kiddo. We can't."

"We need to. For King's sake."

King put his head down and fumbled with his paws.

Eda and Lilith shared a wary glance, and reluctantly agreed.

Luz stood, getting help from Eda. The shock made it difficult to walk.

They all made their way slowly back in, where the creature was at, clicking it's vocal chords together.

Whilst Eda was helping support Luz, Lilith gripped Luz's hand, reassuring her with a light squeeze. King sat on Luz's shoulder, ready for whatever came next.

The creature, upon seeing them, plunged towards them. King put his paw out. "Stop!"

The creature stopped in front of the group and bowed.

Lilith tilted her head. "Huh. So it does obey King."

"Guys! That thing was protecting King from us this whole time. Huh. Alright then."

"But... you guys weren't trying to hurt me!" King said in confusion.

"I guess..." A forced breath. "It didn't know..." Luz muttered.

That brought everyone's attention back to Luz's shredded hand.

King turned to the creature in anger. "Look at what you did to my best friend! You hurt her! Right your wrong!" King screeched, pointing accusingly.

The creature clicked, and looked around, scampering out of view. King sighed, giving Luz an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry Luz..."

"It's okay, King. I don't blame you."

King looked in the creature's direction. "I'm gonna call him Jean-Luc."

Luz laughed a little, resting her head on Eda's shoulder. Eda put her chin on Luz's head, and sighed.

Suddenly, Jean-Luc came back, inching close to Luz. It stopped and tilted it's head. Luz took a deep breath and stumbled away from Eda. She sat on the ground in front of Jean-Luc and held out her hand.

It spit on Luz's hand, making everyone wince. But, also to everyone's surprise, forced the dirt and grimace that had collected, to go away. It burnt like an alcohol rubbing, making Luz flinch.

Jean-Luc then started to wrap Luz's hand with bandages, sealing it tightly. Luz sighed in relief.

"Good. Now apologize." King demanded. Jean-Luc clicked vigorously at Luz. Luz nodded, petting it's head. "It's okay, big guy. I understand. I just want to protect King, too."

The creature clicked again, slightly leaning into the touch, making Eda wonder how the hell Luz can befriend basically anything and anybody.

"I just miss my fingers..." Luz sighed.

Eda cackled from behind, smirking at the young human.

"I may not have magic, but girl, I can hook you up! I still know how to make potions!" Eda cackled again.

"Oooh, boy..." Lilith muttered.

"That does not sound fun," King commented. Upon hearing the cackling, Jean-Luc stands protectively in front of Luz and King, shielding them from Eda and Lilith. King clicked his tongue.

"No! Bad Jean-Luc. We don't... uh... click at my friends! They're friends, too."

Jean-Luc rested at Luz's feet, staring at the rocks formed into weird shapes.

"Come on, Luz. I can make you a new hand! Oh, boy, I've always wanted to do this! I shall name my creation, FRANKENLUZ!"

"Oh dear Titan above, save us all..."

"This sounds completely harmless!" Luz commented.

Eda snickered, putting gloves and goggles on, and pulling a table out of her hair. Luz propped herself up on her right hand to see better.

"Completely harmless!"

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