Chapter 16

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~ 2 weeks later ~


Immediately, Blaze and Amy raced out the door to see what was going on. When they saw Melany standing by the front door and staring out. "Melany, what's wrong?" Amy asked wondering what happened. Melany couldn't speak as she pointed to the front lawn. Both of her mothers looked up at the lawn and gasped. In front of them were Mystic and Ruby, sharing a tender kiss.

Amy almost fainted seeing their daughter with Mystic. Blaze took in a deep breath and looked away. "Well... this was unexpected." she said at last.

"MOMS! This is terrible! She's dating Mystic!" Melany shrieked. Amy and Blaze said nothing as they watched Mystic and Ruby nuzzle each other. Mystic never took his eyes of the cat that was now in his arms. Ruby couldn't help but be happy she got the one she loved. Except her family might not approve.

Not too far from their home, Diamond met up in town. Hunter had bought her a beautiful bouquet. "Here you are, roses for the diamond of my eye." he smiled handing over the bunch to her. "Oh! Hunter, you're a dear! You didn't have to!" she smiled. "Well, you've worked hard okay? I'm proud of you!" he smiled. As Diamond took the flowers, she smiled and pecked his cheek. "You're so sweet you know that?" she told them, her eyes glimmering. Hunter held out his arm, looking at her happily. "Shall we be on our way then?" he asked. "Certainly!" she replied, as they walked down the street.

A few citizens looked and whispered as they walked, but all it took was one glance from Hunter and they quickly quieted down.

Right around the corner from them, Smoke and Finn walked together. "Thanks for the day out today Smoke, honestly. My dad's been on my case lately." Finn said, trying to let loose of the stress he was carrying. "Oh really? Look, as long are you're with me, you don't have to worry about shit. K?" he replied. Finn laughed and nodded. "Alright fair enough. You've been really good to me. I don't know how we both got so lucky." he replied.

"You and me both." Smoke smiled, taking him throughout town so they could get sodas. Both enjoyed their company and loved each other.

Most of them were having fun, Catrina and Fade were happy to be together in the museum. "So, you brought me on a tour here?" Fade asked. "Well, yeah! I doubt your town has museums like this!" Catrina replied. "Alright, alright. So, what are we gonna do here?" she asked. "Wellll, I'm gonna be your tour guide!"

Both hurried down the hall, looking at all the things on display. "Can you believe it? There are so many things here! I mean, have you seen the original X-Tornado! I can't believe Counselor Tails used to fly that thing! Then again... he's probably crashed it more than actually flew it. Oh- have you seen this!? It's so cool! It's Prince Percival's Knight armor! She's so cool! Sure it's Counselor Blaze's but, it's a whole different view! Oh-oh! And then this, it's the whole map to my Mom's Kingdom! I don't how she does it honestly." she replied.

Without trying to get attention, Fade barely peeked into the room, looking at the Chaos Emerald display. Noticing she walked off, Catrina walked towards Fade who barely stared. "Oh, you're looking at the Emeralds? They're really pretty when all lit up! Well... they haven't found them yet. I don't know where they could be. This town is pretty big." she replied. "Oh, so they haven't found them at all yet?" Fade asked, not meaning to seem so interested.

"Nope, I guess not. Why do you ask?" Catrina questioned. "Oh, uh, no reason! Just curious!" she replied. Catrina smiled and pecked Fade's cheek. "C'mon! We've gotta get ready for tonight!" she said. "Tonight? What's happening tonight?"

As they headed out, Catrina looked at her dumbfounded. "Are you serious! We've been talking about this for days!" she cried. "The big dance tonight! The one where Queen Elise will be attending! Everyone's gonna be there! And I mean everyone! So we have to get ready big time!" Catrina urged. "Oh, well, in that case, I better head back to the apartment! My friends will wanna see me!" Both shared a quick kiss and went on.

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