Chapter 23

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Meanwhile, the teens that decided to run away from Mobius were still running from those who wanted to destroy them. "G-Guys! I'm running out of breath!" Misty cried. "Blizzard we can't keep this up forever!" Typhoon cried. Looking around Blizzard saw in the corner of his eye what looked like a building where tons of others seemed to be heading into. "C'mon! We'll lose them in here!" he urged as all of them hurried into the place.

Pushing past others and squeezing past crowds they managed to get inside. Hypno, Pistol, and everyone else following after them. "Damn, we lost them!" Hypno hissed. Pistol sniffed the air and looked around himself. That's when he saw the club crowded with partygoers. "Or did we?" he growled. All of them slinked past the long line and right inside, getting shouts and snaps from others.

(Shoutout to my fav Youtuber/Rapper Cam Steady UwU)

Inside the club, Ruby covered her ears from the loud song playing. "Ugh! This is hurting my ears!" she cried. "What kind of music is this!" Finn shouted. "I don't know but it sounds different to anything I'm used to!" Carina shouted. "Have any ideas of where to go?" Melany shouted. Hunter looked behind him and saw Pistol push through someone who was in his way.

"Anywhere but right here!" he cried, pushing his friends to keep moving. "EEK! You don't have to tell me twice!" Astro yipped as he ran into the crowds. "NO! Astro!" Ruby shouted as she began to chase after him. "Wait up!" Misty pleaded as she and the others chased behind them.

From behind the stage, Mystic, Smoke, Midnight, Diamond, and Fade were all prepared to awe the audience. "Are you guys ready?" Mystic asked them. "It's not the first time we did this!" Midnight reassured. "Yeah but- it's been forever since anyone saw us!" Smoke pointed. "I don't know whether they'll be relieved or annoyed." Fade added. "Ugh let's just do this! I'm so ready to show off my new look!" Diamond urged. "Okay okay! Let's go... get my dad's attention?" Mystic responded. They nodded their heads and hurried towards the walkway up the stairs. 

There in the front of the stage stairs was a guard. He quickly got in their way and stopped them. "Are ya on the list?" he asked firmly. The four realized that they had to sign up beforehand. But Mystic tilted his hat up a bit and the guard flinched. "We don't need to be on a list. I am the list." he snarled. "Y-Yes, sir! Of course!" he said, allowing them to pass through. As they rushed on stage, there was someone in charge at the top. They approached him and he looked up. "Oh, you're on next? What song?" he asked. The four looked at their friend and already knew the answer, thrilled to be doing this again.

Mystic finally looked at him with his multicolored eyes and smiled.

"Everything Black."

The DJ seemed surprised. "Uh, sure!" he replied. He turned down the original music, the lights when out. When that happened, everyone knew to turn their attention to the new performers on stage. Many didn't have a performer in forever so they were curious to see who was singing tonight.

(Start the music at the very top :))

A bright light flashed all across the room, flickering a few times before one final light shined on Mystic. Everyone was surprised and started cheering and howling. Seeing Mystic return with the others made a huge impact.

Mystic started singing, his voice on point for every word of the song.

As he sang, he caught the eye of everyone in the room. Not just the audience. Pistol and Hypno looked up and were stunned. They stopped in their tracks. "Is that..." Hypno asked trailing off. "Yeah... that's Mystic!" Pistol gasped.

They stood there, amazed at seeing their friends. Midnight, Smoke, Fade, and Diamond stood at both his side, dancing or singing specific lines. And they weren't the only ones. As they kept pushing through the crowds, Ruby caught a glimpse of Mystic on stage. She froze on the spot, looking staring straight at him. "Mystic..." she whispered to herself. Seeing her mate on stage awed her. She didn't know he could sing like that!

Midnight who was cheering on with the rest of her friends noticed the others who kept pushing through the crowd. It was their old friends. "B-Blizzard?" she asked out loud. "What do you mean Blizzard?" Diamond whispered. Motioning with her head, she pointed out the others in the crowd. "What! Why are they here!" she snapped. "I don't know! But we gotta them out! Hurry and tell the others!" Midnight urged.

Trying to be sneaky, Diamond signaled to Fade to switch places. When she did she got to Smoke. "Hey, I don't know why, but Midnight says our... friends are here..." she sighed waving her hand in the crowd. "The hell! No! They shouldn't be here!" Smoke snapped. "I know! We need a plan!" she cried. After Midnight told Fade, she was livid. "They're putting themselves in danger!" she cried, furious over them following them. "I'm not happy about it either! But we've gotta get them out of here!" she cried.

While Mystic sang, he spotted Ruby in the crowd staring up at him. He almost stopped singing but somehow managed to keep going. Never once did he take eyes off of her. Instead, he came up with an idea. At a certain point in the song, he made sure that Ruby knew he was singing directly to her. She fell in love with the words he said as he floated towards her.

Both stared directly into their eyes and he grabbed her hand gently. When the gang noticed they were missing someone, they looked around. "Ruby? RUBY!" Blizzard shouted. That's when he noticed Mystic was holding her by the hand, taking her towards the stage quickly.

Before he could walk towards her, he felt someone take him by the hand. "Woah! H-Hey!" he snapped. "Shut it will you!" A closer look and he realized it was Fade. "F-Fade! Where's Midnight?" "Just come on!" Fade dragged him back to the stage, he saw that Midnight, Smoke, and Diamond had pranced their way towards his friends. "O-Okay!" he said.

In the middle of the crowd, Mystic and Ruby were dancing with each other. Eventually, the song was coming towards an end. As they walked back up on stage, Mystic made sure everyone watched him kiss Ruby in front of everyone. They cheered and squealed loudly at what they were doing. All the lights went out on stage and Mystic ran off with her, gripping her wrist. "W-What! Mystic!" she cried. "C'mon." he snarled and led her off into the back of the building.

Done, at last, everyone was outside the building somewhere in the area. She smiled and looked at Mystic with passion. "Mystic! I... I didn't know you could sing..." she said bashfully. Mystic was about to snap at her, but her comment made him swallow his words.

He stood there in silence for another minute, but then he pecked her on the lips. "I... I honestly didn't think singing was a custom in Mobius." he responded. Ruby giggled and gently brushed his cheek. Finally, the reality sunk in. "Why are you here?" he asked, somewhat harsh. "We were worried! You left without saying goodbye. I love you Mystic... no one wanted any of you to leave..." she explained. Mystic tenderly pushed her and looked away.

"I don't belong there anymore..." he replied. "What?! No! Of course, you do! You all do! This place isn't safe! I don't even know how you've survived for so long! This town- it's- it's- it's full of crazies! Please! Come home..." she begged, walking closer to touch his shoulder. "I'm sorry. But I can't. I have to stay here with my friends. My father needs me now more than ever." he replied. Ruby barely tilted her head, confused about who he meant. "Y-Your dad..? But... where is he..?" she asked.

"Turn around."

Stunned by the voice, both teens turned around.

There stood Infinite. His terrifying mask barely cracked as he faced them. His red triangle brightened as he came out into the light. His tail dragged on the ground as he approached them slowly.

"Now you see me."

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