Chapter 48

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~Mia's POV~

As I neared the house, I saw that my room's light was off, but the TV room's light was on. I hoped for the best and climbed the tree that was really close to my room's window. I climbed as quietly as possible, trying not to make a sound so Luke or anybody else notices me.

I crawled on a branch to reach the window. Luckily it was a big one, so I had no problem while crawling on it. When I finally reached the window I looked through it to see who was in the room. It was kind of dark, and nobody seemed to be inside.

I quietly opened the window, pushing it upwards kind of slowly so it doesn't creak or anything. For my luck, it squeaked. I shivered and hurriedly entered the house through my window. Ninja mode on, Mia. Ninja mode on.

I grabbed my phone and earphones and climbed out of the window. I don't want to be inside this house, but who said I didn't want to be on top of it? That's right beetches. I'm going to the rooftop. Actually I've never noticed this house had a really stable rooftop. It is quite spacious and stuff. I'm considering making a tent over there and sleep all night there.

When I reached the rooftop I searched for a clean spot, with no water nor dirt. I found the perfect spot and sat down with my legs crossed. I plugged in the earbuds and tapped the random button of my music playlist. Gospel by Pan!c at the Disco began to play. What a great scenario, isn't it?

I wanted to sing along the song but decided not to since I was on the rooftop, and you never know if anyone can hear you.

I laid down my back and saw the sky. It was a cloudy day, but not so much. You could see the clear sky. I inspected the clouds, their form and stuff. It sounds weird but it's really not. I spotted a heart-shaped cloud. I was kind of enjoying the view until an airplane flew by and destroyed the cloud.

I think broken hearts are like clouds. It takes a while to structure it neatly so people can enjoy it, but a wrong move and it disappears completely and fades away. Same thing happens with a broken heart.

Cause these words are knives and often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
The truth be told I never was yours
The fear of falling apart

I felt a tear stream down my face as I heard those words. It describes perfectly my feelings. I sound really crazy now, but I guess it's just my hurt feelings.

I decided to not give a fork about what will happen and started singing. But me being who I am, I played the song since the beginning, not since where I was.

This is gospel for the fallen ones
Locked away in permanent slumber

I though of my dad, I couldn't imagine how my mom killed him...

Assembling their philosophies from pieces of broken memories
Their gnashing teeth and criminal tongues
Conspire against the odds
Cause they haven't seen the best of us yet

If you love me let me go
If you love me let me go
Cause these words are knives and often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
The truth be told I never was yours
The fear of falling apart

All I could think about was Luke. How he broke my heart, shredded it into pieces. Why? Why did he say that? We're fighting for a really stupid misunderstanding. But words are words. Once things are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten.

If Luke ever apologizes for what he said, I'm not sure if I should accept his apologies. A 'I'm sorry' won't fix a broken heart. The words have been spoken, now everything's broken.

I turned off my music, feeling fed up by all of this situation. I unplugged my earphones and climbed down the tree to the window again, but before I could climb down the tree, I heard the main door open.

"Dude, how could you let Mia go?" I heard one of the boys say.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't do anything, I don't know where she is, she's lost. I'm such a jerk." Luke replied. Yes, you are a jerk Luke, a big time jerk.

"Let's go find her." Calum told him. How ironic, I'm here in the house and they're going to look for me somewhere else. Ha, who's the lost one now?

"Yeah, let's go." Michael groaned and I heard the car engine start. A couple of seconds later I could see two cars heading to opposite directions. Good luck in your search gentlemen.

"Oh those kids, they forgot me!" Liz bluntly spoke as she walked to her car. "I'll have to look Mia on my own."

Oh Mrs. Hemmings, if you knew I'm here. I feel sorry for you.

well I guess being on the rooftop was good in some way, yay me.


Authors note:

Hey guys! So this happened... Yeah so I'm sorry for the short chapter, next one will hopefully be better.

Love you:*

Loving you// Luke Hemmings [rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now