Chapter 7

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~Luke's POV~

I woke up with Mia in my arms. I looked over the clock and it was 4:00 am. I decided to sleep a little longer.

*couple of hours later*

I was sleeping until my phone started ringing. I quickly answered.

"Hello?" I said with my sleepy voice.

"Luke! Hurry! Come to the studio now! We are going to record a new song!" Calum informed me. Recording a new song? What the hell? I didn't see that coming.

"Wait, what?" Was all I could say. I was shocked at the fact that we were actually going to record a new single. This is going to be nuts.

"Yeah mate. We are making a new single!" Calum sounded really excited. "Make sure you come here in 1 hour." He added.

"Alright." I responded. He then gave me the direction. "Alright. I'll be there in 20 minutes." I said as I rushed out of Mia's room.

I quickly took a bath. I decided to wear formal clothes. Not formal, but more decent than some ripped skinny jeans, I guess.

I finished getting ready for going to the studio. I turned around to see Mia, who was staring at me like if I murdered someone.

"Luke, why are you more formal than normal?" She asked me quite curious.

"Mia, is about the band." I said. I took a deep breath and continued. "I think there is a possibility that we record a new single. I'm heading to the studio with the lads, to catch up to whatever is up." I said as Mia tried to let my words sync in her head. It was getting late for me, so I said something before she could.

"Mia, I'm sorry for not taking you to the mall right now. I promise that when I come back from the studio, I'll take you to the mall and we'll buy anything you want. And also we'll go to the stores you like. I promise." I said as I gave her my pinky finger, so we could close our pinky promise.

She laughed. "I hope it turns out well the whole studio thingy. Call me if you need anything." She said with a smile. I couldn't help and pulled her into a really tight hug.

I let go off of her and went to my car.

*in the studio*

I arrived just in time. I caught up with the guys. We were recording our first formal video. We are singing 'Out of My Limit". I'm excited for this. We finally are getting noticed by many people.

When I arrived to the studio, it was 10:00 am. Now that I'm leaving, it's 1:00 pm. I'm quite hungry, so I'll take Mia to the mall and eat there.

I dialed her phone.




"Hey Luke. What's up?" Mia said when she answered my phone call.

"How do you know that it's Luke?" I asked here.

"I have caller ID, you dumbass." She sarcastically said, a giggle escaping when she said dumbass.

"Well, anywas, this dumbass wanted to tell you to get ready. I'm taking you to the mall today. We'll eat there. Get ready, I'll be there in half an hour." I informed her.

"Alright. Bye Luke, my bestest dumbass." She said. I could feel her wink, even though I couldn't see her. I'm weird sometimes. Leave me alone.

*30 minutes later*

I finally arrived home. I pressed the honk of the car so Mia could know I'm here.

Eventually she came out and entered the car.

"Hey Luke." She said as she quickly kissed my cheek. I just said hi and pulled up to the mall.

"So, how did it turned out in the studio? Any news I should know?" Mia asked me.

"Yeah. We're filming a video of a new single. We start recording after we come back from LA. We informed management about our long trip, and they decided that we'll start recording when we come back. It's also better for them, cause they have 1 month and a half to make the last details to the song." I said. I kept my eyes in the road. I glanced over at her real quick, but I didn't want to be distracted off the road.

"Congratulations Luke. I told you that you're getting bigger by the time passes. You're really talented. I remember when I woke up yesterday. You really put me in a very good mood in the morning, since we both know that the only morning person here is you." Mia told me. I believed, 75% percent of what she said maybe?

The only thing I believed was that we actually are getting bigger and people are noticing us a lot more. I'm sure of that since what happened in Mc Donald's. It's just really hard to believe. Imagine knowing that people from all over the world know you. Wow.

"Luke? Are you okay?" Mia asked. I must have gone into really deep thought.

"Oh, yeah yeah yeah, I was just thinking. Thank you for the compliment though." I replied.

The car ride now on was basically Mia and I screaming the lyrics of random songs from the radio, with the volume to the highest it volume it could reach.

I think my ears stopped working by the time we arrived to the mall. We got out of the car and headed inside the shopping centre. The mall was huuuuge.

"What shop do you want to go in first?" I asked Mia as we walked towards the entrance.

"I don't know. I might be going to Uggs and Forever 21. If we have time I might check some shoes in Vans and then some makeup in Mac. We'll see." She informed me. "But we'll do that after we eat something. I'm starving." She continued. I was glad of it. I definitely agreed with her.

"I was afraid you'd never say that!" I sighed in relief. She laughed at the appointment I just made.

We headed to the food court, which was not really far from the entrance. We ordered everything we wanted and soon began to eat. She was eating salad while I was eating pizza. I don't even understand why she was eating as if she was in a diet. She's been really worried about her weight recently. I might talk to her about that sometime soon.

I looked at my food and then at Mia. She was already looking at me. When I looked upwards to get a better view of her, she started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked her, really not knowing what she was laughing at.

"Oh Luke, you're such a child." She said while she smiled. She then grabbed a napkin. With one hand she held the napkin, and with the other one, she grabbed my chin so I would turn the way she wanted.

Her hand holding the napping began to clean my lips. I felt her thumb of her other hand trying to stretch my skin so she could clean up better. I was looking at her. She looked really concentrated on what she was doing. When she was done with cleaning me, we took our garbage and then it to the bin. Then before we could proceed with our shopping, I heard somebody from behind saying Mia's name.

"Yo, Mia!" ......What the fudge!?

Loving you// Luke Hemmings [rewriting]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt