Chapter 18

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~Luke's POV~

Mia, the lads and I are at the airport. We are waiting for out suitcases. I was talking with the lads about some weird topic. I looked at Mia, she was a couple steps in front of us, waiting for our luggage to come. Suddenly she had a pale face. She also had a confused face. She looked over at me. I walked towards her.

"Mia, are you okay? You look pale." I said. Suddenly, Mia fell to the floor unconscious. What the

"Mia?" I said kinda loud, getting the attention from other people and the lads. I leaned down, helping Mia wake up. I checked if she had pulse, which she did. Don't blame me, my laboratory teacher taught us first aid stuff for like, 6 classes straight. I had to learn something after all. the lads soon came over at us. Mia just wouldn't wake up. Even though I knew she was alive, I was scared. What the hell happened? Why did she faint? Crap Luke, calm down.

Suddenly some emergency people came over and helped Mia get up. The fact that Mia was unconscious scared me, like what is going on in her mind? What is she feeling? I understand nothing. The paramedics placed Mia on a weird bed or something. They carried her out of the airport to an ambulance. I have to go with her. I looked over at the lads, they gestured me to go with the paramedics. I took a deep breath and started running.

I ran as fast as I could. I had to rush myself if I didn't want to leave Mia alone. I'm her best friend after all. I went outside, where the paramedics and the ambulance were. They put Mia inside. I asked a paramedic if I could go with here inside the ambulance. She let me in. I hurriedly entered the ambulance and grabbed Mia's hand. I am not sure if she is alright, but I hope so. I grabbed Mia's hand. I didn't notice I was crying, until I saw tears in my hand. I don't even know how those got there.

The ambulance pulled up to the hospital. Not letting go off Mia's hand, I grabbed my phone and sent Calum the direction of the hospital, so they could come as soon as possible. We quickly got in the hospital. When the ambulance stopped, paramedics opened the doors from the cabin we were in. The got Mia out in the same weird bed they placed her on. I got out of the ambulance. When I went inside, a paramedic told me to wait in the waiting room of the hospital. Mia was getting some studies, so they could see what happened exactly, at least that's what the paramedic informed me.

I anxiously waited in the waiting room. Soon, I saw three lads with confused faces getting inside the room. They looked over at me. I got up from my seat and hugged the guys for 5 seconds then pulled back. I was broken on the inside. Sounds cheesy, I know, but I really hated to see Mia like this. Bad thoughts were going through my mind. It's not cool. The guys said everything will be alright. It was hard for me though. We started our summer vacations in LA with the left foot.
Suddenly, a nurse came over at us.

"Luke Hemmings?" The nurse asked. I slightly nodded at her question. She then started talking.

"Mia said she wants you to go with her. Please follow." Said the nurse while she led all the way to Mia's room. They already gave her a room and told me nothing. Brilliant.

We finally reached Mia's room. I was kinda nervous, I don't know why. I felt that I will see a different Mia, or that maybe Mia won't recognize me, or maybe it's just me and my overreaction to the situation. Screw me.

I slowly walked in, scared of Mia's reaction. She was crying. Suddenly she opened her arms, telling me to go hug her. With no hesitation, I walked over to Mia, and hugged her. She let sobs escape from her lips. I pulled her closer, not wanting to let go off her. She pulled back, and scooted a bit so I could sit down in the bed of hers. I sat down, then I asked her what was wrong.

"What's wrong, Mia?" I asked her, placing a hand in her shoulder.

"I-I saw my m-mum." She said through mumbles.

Loving you// Luke Hemmings [rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now