Chapter 22

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~Luke's POV~

"Actually..." I said as I looked at the lads. They all were smirking. "We all though of doing something today..." I continued. We actually rehearsed this convo yesterday, when Mia was outside.

"We though of doing something fun all together, since going to the mall ends up being a complete mess and so are we..." Continued Ashton.

"So our plan today is..." Calum said.

"Since we know how much you love bowling and adventure games..." Mikey continued.

"We are going bowling?" Mia hesitantly asked the lads.

"Better than that" Mikey said. "We are going to Main Event!" He enthusiastically said. Mia looked so confused, she probably didn't know what Main Event is. I don't blame her though, I didn't know what it was either. We found about it yesterday.

"Uh, what's that?" Mia asked all of us, which I decided to replied.

"You'll see, we didn't want to make these vacations boring, so yesterday we were looking up for some fun places to be in, and Ashton here" I said as I gestured Ashton "found the place. It's fun, it really is. There is Laser Tag, Bowling, and something like a Zip line or something." I informed her.

When my words were spoken, I could see her face brighten up. She really liked bowling, and I also know she secretly likes gotcha, and laser tag is less painful than that, so it will be fun. I hope she likes it.

"When are we going?" Mia genuinely asked us.

"Maybe uh, now?" Calum said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"No-uh! We are not going anywhere until you help me clean the kitchen! I'm not the maid!" Mia said, she seemed annoyed. I think she though that we were actually going to let her clean the kitchen all by herself. We're gentleman, we don't do that, most of the times at least.

"Chill, we are helping you. After that, we can leave." Mikey calmed Mia. She seemed less frustrated than she was before. Hell, she looks so cute when she is mad or frustrated or happy or in any other state, I find her stunning even when she is crying.

We all helped Mia with the kitchen. Mikey was cleaning the table, Calum was sweeping the floor since we are quite messy, Mia was washing the dishes, I was drying them and Ashton placed everything where it should be. We all were busy doing something. We got bored and I decided to put some music on. I went for a speaker and for my phone and I put some music on.

The song that was playing was In Bloom by Nirvana. It's not their best song but it's still a good one and I like it. We literally screamed the lyrics of the song. More songs shuffled and we finally finished cleaning the kitchen. Mia was already ready to go out, but us guys were still in our pajamas.

We all went upstairs. We all entered to our rooms, but when I thought Mia was coming inside our room, she changed direction and went to the working room. Why was she going in there? We had nothing to work on, I mean, why would she want to study or something?

I went towards her, I was confused that she didn't go straight to our room, like I thought she would. When I entered the working room I saw she had already a notebook or something lying on her lap. She was sitting on an individual couch. She was holding a pencil with her right hand, and an eraser with her left hand. She seemed to be doodling or something. I was kind of curious of what she was drawing. I shrugged it off and went to our room.

I took a shower, changed clothes and did my hair. I actually want to change my hair. I always have it flat. I feel like it would look better if it was up in a quiff. I can't change that now though, I need to go to a barber shop or something. I finished getting ready and got out of the bathroom. I went to the bedside drawer for my phone.

Loving you// Luke Hemmings [rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now