Chapter 21

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~Mia's POV~

I opened my eyes and saw 4 lads with waterguns. When they noticed I was awake, they started to soak me with water. I got off of the cot and started running in the big backyard. I ran and ran, the lads followed me from behind. They still had their water guns. Suddenly, their water guns were empty, so they could do nothing about it that going to the pool and refill them. They did, so I took advantage and threw them into the pool while they were leaning down to refill.

I pushed every single lad, except for Luke. He escaped before I could push him. For my luck, his water gun was full again, so he soaked me with more water. I kept running for my life, but the lads also got out of the pool and refilled their water guns. After that, I had the 4 boys chasing me to soak me with water, again. I lifted my hands in defeat. I gave up. They all ran towards me, and when they all were with me, Luke carried me bridal style and Mikey, Cal and Ash grabbed my feet and my arms, so I couldn't escape. They carried me all the way to the pool.

When we were halfway there, Luke missed a step and tripped over. I was on the floor, Luke over me. The lads didn't fall, they were perfectly standing on their feet. I was looking at the lads, but suddenly I felt like looking at the lad who was over me. I moved my gaze over at Luke to catch him already staring at me. His blue crystal eyes were glued to my green eyes. I don't know why, but I felt butterflies.

I think I'm falling in love with him. Every little thing he does or says to me gives me butterflies. He is really good looking, but more that that, he has a really good personality and a really good manner. He is kind, but funny, he is a dork but he is serious when needed. He is appropriate, if that makes sense. He acts the way he should. He changed me, you know? If it wasn't for him and his unconditional care towards me, I would probably be a drug addict or something. I would be trash and have no friends if it wasn't for him.

My life gave a 360° twist with my dad's death, and my mum couldn't help. Since I have no family, no grandparents, no aunts nor uncles, no cousins, I had no one. But then, Luke came. I mean, he has always been in my life, but he changed it. I've known Luke since I was a little kid. He has helped me through a lot, from a little cut when we played when we were children to a serious family issue. He is really a good person. People like him should never be left alone. People like Luke should be in everybody's life. I'm not afraid to say that Luke is my savior.

I might sound really cheesy inside my mind, like with all this thought I have, but I don't actually care because I'm a girl and yeah. I think there is nothing wrong with being cheesy, I rather to be a person who is really cheesy and a dork, than to be cold and a complete arsehole. I'm thinking too much right now. What's wrong with me? They eye contact between Luke and I hasn't broke yet. We are still looking at each other. I think is the color of his eyes that make me think a lot.

"Damn, you actually look really good as a couple." A voice interrupted my thoughts. I could tell it broke Luke's thought too, since he broke our eye contact.

Luke and I looked over at Ashton, who had a giant smirk in his face, just like the other two lads. I could tell my face turned a shade of red when he said that, just like Luke's face did. Crap, I really need to control my blushing at times.

"Awww look guys! They both blushed! Isn't that cute?" Mikey mimicked a girl in her fangirl moments.

"Shut up." Luke said. Luke and I where looking at the lads. They turned and went inside the house for towels I think. Luke was still over me, but he sustained his weight on his arms, so he wouldn't crush me or something.

Since he lads were gone, I had nothing to look at, so I looked over at Luke. He did the same. We both smiled. I was about to get up, but before I could do anything, Luke kissed me. It wasn't a passionate kiss or anything, it was a short kiss. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. No no, forget butterflies, I could feel the whole damn zoo. This boy here is really driving me crazy.

Loving you// Luke Hemmings [rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now