Chapter 33

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~Mia's POV~

At le restaurant

Ashton drove us all the way here. It's so fancy and this dress actually makes me feel a bit uncomfortable but it still looks good. At least Luke likes it. Talking about Luke, he looks so hot! He has a buttoned blue shirt and black formal jeans I guess? They're not skinny, they are like the formal ones they use in tuxes.

"Reservation for Hemmings." Luke told the waiter at the entrance of the restaurant. The waiter began flipping some papers.

"Uh, I don't think you made a reservation, sir." The waiter said.

"What?! I called to make a reservation for two and I actually called 7 times to make sure the table was reserved!!" Luke yelled, catching attention from some tables. He is really frustrated.

"Luke calm down." I tried to calm him, but he looked quite angry. He glanced at me and his face softened. Then he looked at the floor, ashamed.

"I'm sorry babe. I just, I want this fancy date with you to be perfect." He apologized. I was about to say something but a woman talked.

"Is there a problem, mister?" The women asked Luke.

"Yeah, I made a reservation for tonight, but they seem to not have written it." Luke explained while rubbing his temple. He seemed less frustrated than before, but he still is frustrated.

"I'm sorry for that. We can fix it, there's a free table outside and it's exactly for two. D'you wanna go sit there?" She asked. I actually liked sitting outside. The moon is a whole moon, and you can actually see the stars.

"Okay fine." Luke gave in. "Fine for you?"

"It's good for me." I reassured, giving him a smile. He smiled back and quickly pecked my lips. I hugged him and we waited for our table to be set.

Luke suddenly excused himself and went to talk to the woman that recently came to us. He told her something and came back with a grin. I shrugged it off and didn't give it a mayor importance. When they finally finished setting the table, we walked towards it. It was neatly decorated with flowers. You could see perfectly under the moonlight, but there were candles. It looked perfect.

"Luke, this is perfect. Thank you." I said and kissed his cheek. He blushed so did I.

"Just like you, baby." He replied. He is so cheesy.

"Lukey Poo you're so cheesy." I chuckled and he just shrugged.

"C'mon baby lets sit down." He said and pulled the chair and gestured me to sit down. I sat down and he pushed the chair towards the table. Then he sat down too and looked at me.

"Do I have something in the face?" I asked, feeling panicked about it. What if I had a pimple in my forehead or something? Gosh no.

"No baby of course not. You just-you look perfect in the moonlight. I mean, you always look perfect but-" he began flattering but I cut him off by kissing him in the lips. At first he froze but then he kissed back. Moments later we pulled apart.

"You know, you can do that more often if you want." He smirked.

"What about no?" I lightly laughed. "I'm kidding Luke. Anyways, what are you ordering?"

"I'm not sure, this's really fancy for me." He said, looking at the menu with his hand rubbing his chin.

"We can go if you don't like this." I replied and put my hand over his hand that was on the table.

"We don't have to. I want to do this for you, even though I don't like it. I mean, it's nice but it's not my type." He looked at me in the eyes. I knew he was saying the truth.

Loving you// Luke Hemmings [rewriting]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें