Chapter 34

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~Mia's POV~

"You want to play games, huh?" Luke dared.

"Yes, so what?" I smirked at him. Then he went back were the sand was, and grab some. At first I was confused of what he was doing and then I realized that he was making a sand ball. I was startled by it when it hit my in my leg.

"Robert! You wanna fight eh?" I asked him and ran all the way where he was. I cupped my hand in the sand and then made a sand ball. Before I could shape it, Luke threw another sand ball at me, but this time it hit me in the face. Well ouch. I fell to the ground and I hit quite hard my back, but since it was sand it didn't knock me out.

"Crap, Mia!!!!" Luke yelled and ran towards me.

"Crap! Crap, crap, crap! Baby are you okay? Please Mia talk to me!" He nearly cried out, which caused me to laugh. I got up and removed the sand that was on me, which was a lot because there's still water on my skin, so...

"You scared the crap out of me." Luke sighed in relief. I laughed at his comment.

"Luke, it was just a sand ball, what could've gone wrong? It's not like I would choke with it, can I?" I tried to calm him.

"I don't know, I just got scared. Hahaha, you have sand all over you." He laughed and I giggled, but soon stopped.

"Well, that's because of you, mister." I said and grabbed a handful of sand and threw it at him, which landed on his chest.

"Eww! Sand!" He screamed and ran into the water with his hands up in the air. He's such a kid sometimes.

"Luke, are you serious?" I muttered as I walked into the water. It was getting kinda cold anyways.

"You love me!" He yelled and wrapped me into a tight hug. That's the second time he says that in less than 10 minutes! I hugged him back. I tightened my arms around him, but he did the same, which made us lose our balance and fall into the water. Strange thing is, that even though we were underwater we didn't let go.

We finally broke apart and we stood up, so we were no longer underwater.

"You never replied back, you know." Luke said, a little bit too serious.

"Reply to what?" I asked, kind of confused.

"I said that you loved me, but you didn't say anything." He explained. Oh, that.

"That's because I hugged you, Lukey Poo." I told him and we both began walking to the tent.

"Okay." He said.

"Okay." I replied.

"Miababy, don't make this like the Fault In Our Stars crap, please." Luke laughed, causing me to laughed too.

"Maybe okay will be our always, Lukey Poo." I chuckled and he just shook his head. We kept walking until we reached the tent. There, Luke grabbed two towels and handed me one.

"Aww, aren't we going to share like last time?" I whined, and mentally laughed at the memory of when we shared a towel back at London.

"You remember?" Luke asked with wide eyes, somehow amazed by my words.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked back.

"I-I thought that meant nothing to you."

"Of course it meant something to me! And so it did to you, I remember you blushed! You blushed!" I remarked.

"You blushed too, don't act as if you didn't, Miababy." He giggled. I guess Luke is one of the small amount of people who notice the little things.

Loving you// Luke Hemmings [rewriting]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora