Chapter 23

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{A/N: If you don't remember what happened last chapter is basically that Mia and the lads went to Main Event and when they were about to play Laser Tag, Luke saw a blonde girl who is familiar to him}

~Luke's POV~

This worker from Main Event guided us to a cabin. It seems to be the cabin where you get your guns and your vest where you receive the shoots and stuff. I was in the blue team with Calum and other 3 people I didn't know. The red team consisted of Mia, Ash, Mikey and other 2 people I didn't know, except for one of them.

I think I recognized who she is. I moved a little bit closer, not so much though because I would look like a freak. Just like a feet closer towards her. I didn't want her to notice me. I don't want to greet her after what she did.

Mia noticed me looking at the girl. She furrowed her eyebrows, which I just shook my hand trying to say 'whatever, let it go' (no, not like frozen). She shrugged it off and focused on her laser-gun, eyeing it.

I don't know if you've played Laser Tag before, in case you haven't, here's a little explanation. It's basically like gotcha, just with lasers instead of paintballs. You have to wear your vest. It has lights at your shoulders, at the back and at your chest. They're not exactly lights, they're like sensors for when people aim at you and shoot you with the laser. The laser-gun is quite simple. It has like a screen on top of it where it says your score and your name. My name is Dark Vader. Cool name bruh. Anyways, you have to place one hand on the trigger and another hand on the front of the laser-gun so you're able to shoot. If you don't place your hand at the fron of the laser-gun you can't shoot. I don't even know why, I am as confused as you. The vest and the laser-gun where connected, so if you let go off the laser-gun it won't fall.

Here's where the fun part begins...

My team and I made a circle to formulate a plan. We decided to go straight to the top level. I already new the place since there is a map of it at the cabin where we are in. The plan was to take control of the top part and if some people of the red team came, we would shoot at them. This is going to be funnn.

We all went back to a line, breaking the circle we formed to talk. There were two doors, one was for the red team and another for the blue team. They were separated by a big table where the dude that worked there was. They dude went back to his table and instructed us some things, like not to run, kick or punch and of course not to climb things. He also told us not to try and shoot right when we entered since the sensors give us 15 seconds to run free and hide on strategic places.

Soon, he wished us good luck and pressed a button. When he pressed the button, the doors shut open. Just as planned, all of my team went upstairs. By the time we were on the top lever, the speakers that where all over the placed said 'Countdown complete. Game started.' and all of the vests lit up.

The whole place was like a maze. Not exactly a maze, but it had some places that linked and caused you to get trapped. There were some good places you could hide in. I don't even know where I hid, but it seemed to be a good place since when people from the red team passed and I shot at them, they all became surprised and didn't see it coming. Some of them didn't even know what happened. I had to control my laughter if I didn't want to be heard and therefore, shot at.

It really became boring since people passed and I just shot at them. It really didn't have action, so I decided to take a risk and get out from my hiding spot. I did and ran throughout the place. I shot lots of people, and a few shot me back if I didn't aim well. Fortunately most of the people didn't hit the target.

All the game was a cycle of hiding then running then hiding again and running and the cycle repeated. When we finished the game, we got back to the cabin we originally were at. We left our vests at the cabin with the laser-gun. We then got out of the cabin, back to the place where you decided whether to go Bowling, Laser Tagging or Zip Linning. Next thing on the menu was bowling. I'm not actually into heights so much.

Loving you// Luke Hemmings [rewriting]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant