Chapter 17

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~Luke's POV~

I was seating with the boys and Mia, waiting for the plane to be fixed. I'm not complaining though, because I'm still trying to comfort Mia, so she is in my arms right now. She sobs a little bit, but when she sobs she sobs really low, since some people are talking to us, so I think she doesn't want to look weak or something. I don't care honestly. The only thing that matters to me at this time, is that I have Mia in my arms. She is so pretty even with mascara smudged all over her eyes, she looks perfect with no makeup. I don't understand why she uses it anyways.

I was looking at the people in front of me. They were asking us questions, like since when we started to sing and play our instruments, or stuff like that. It seemed like and interview or something. A woman in her mid 40's caught my eye, I think I've seen her before. I just don't know where, but I'm sure I have seen her in London or Sydney, I don't know.

I pushed the thought away. Just then, somebody asked me a question. I looked at the person. It was the woman I saw recently. I didn't hear her question since I was really concentrated in my thoughts. I just told her to please ask her question again, but I think she regretted it since she just shook her head and went back with a group of people. I didn't know what to think at the moment.

I looked at Mia, who had closed her eyes. She was sitting in my laps, hugging my neck and leaning on my chest. I was hugging her. It sounds like a weird thing to be doing with your best friend, but it's not, it's comfortable actually. I like it. I wish someday I have the bravery to ask Mia to be my girlfriend. I want to be able to kiss her and hug her whenever I want to. I don't want to sound really clingy, but it would be perfect.

I noticed she fell asleep in my arms. I smiled at the fact that Mia fell asleep in my arms. God, when did I became this cheesy? Anyways, I glanced at my mates, who were already looking at me. I gave them an innocent-looking smile. They all smirked and Calum playfully rolled his eyes, this lads here are really dumb at times. I include myself though.

"Hello. We are ready to go onboard, again. The plane is ready and it's safe. We refilled the gas tank, fixed the motors and checked everything. We'll start the flight in 10 minutes, so please go and make a line in the stairs to get on the aircraft." Said the stewardess as she pointed to the stairs that were connected with the airplane. Everybody got up and went there, except for me.

Crap. Why does this stupid plane have to be ready when I have Mia in my arms? God, my luck is really bad. I really didn't want to wake Mia up. She looks so perfect when she is asleep, I mean, she looks perfect anytime, but when she sleeps, she has something that makes her look irresistible. I got up, with Mia still in my arms. I carried her, bridal style, until we reached the stairs. I started to climb the stairs, when I reached the top, I entered to the plane. Everybody sent me dirty looks. I wouldn't blame 'em, I mean, seeing a guy with a girl in his arms is not that usual to see.

I ignored all the stares and walked all the way to our seats. When I got there, the lads were already sitting down. They looked at me smirking. This dudes smirk a lot. They need to stop it if they don't want me to punch them. I rolled my eyes and arranged Mia on her seat. She woke up a little bit then fell asleep again. I sat down. We were just like before, I was between Calum and Mia, and Mike and Ash were on the seats behind us.

We again started our flight. It's going to be 6 hours long, since we didn't make it all the way to LA. I just hope this six hours go by quick. I want to go to bed right now, jet lag hits me really bad. I gave a quick glance to Mia, she was peacefully sleeping. She seemed so calmed and so beautiful. I wonder if we will be more than friends in the future, but I guess time will decide that. I don't want to rush thing up though. I want to give Mia time to get her feelings straight. I don't want to hurt her nor I don't want her to hurt me, if that makes sense.

Loving you// Luke Hemmings [rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now